SleepyDragon wrote:
Nan wrote:
Damn, this makes me wanna just run down to the beach for a picnic, ya know? <---- she said, with more than a twinge of irony and sarcasm, as she already hates the beach....
As one married to a redhead with fair skin, I know what that's about. Add in Daughter-Person's issues with high temperatures, and... I totally understand this.
We live very close to the surf, but you'd never know it from our lifestyle. Unlike many of our neighbours, who are full-on sunworshippers and waterbabies, and put their kids in Nippers (junior surf-lifesavers) from the time they can walk.
And then there's that melanoma thingie, which is the spectre haunting all Australian whitefellas - no matter
how much we slip, slop, slap & wrap.

I just don't understand you people. Nothing beats a day in the sun, swimming in the rip tides amongst sea mines, rocky reefs, sharks, sting rays, jelly fish, piranhas, electric eels, bullrout, rat fish, flatheads, sea snakes, spiny sea urchins, anemones,etc., getting melanoma. Where is your sense of adventure? Your daring-do? wanna live forever?

you left out the bit about the sewage from TJ washing up the coast ....