nannarob wrote:
Thanks for your kind words, Duncanbass, and your insight into my personality! (You're all guuna get a shock when you meet me!)
I still believe that there are many fine people in the population who have little understanding of aspergers. My friends listen to me when I talk about my grandchildren. Their eyes start to glaze over when I babble about Wrong Planet, so I try not to obsess about that.
So the key is education.
Shame we can't cure the curebies!
You're right about a lot of decent people in the world who don't know what AS is. I have a friend who is an educator who thinks she knows what AS and Kanner's is, and she really has no idea. She didn't even know it was neurological.
Part of the problem is the lack of research. Another is that it's the diagnosis du jour, and I suspect it's being over diagnosed as ADD and ADHD. It's a part of our pathologizing everything, and then what happens is many people don't take it seriously or think it's something completely different because they are exposed to people who really aren't what they are diagnosed. That wanting a quick fix for less than satisfying experiences, either on the part of the parent or the child.
Curebies--I dunno. They do seem to be part of a cult. If someone tomorrow invented a drug that would ameliorate the negative symtoms of AS, I would still wait and see what the fall-out would be. But I would be open to it, because I wonder what it would be like to pick up on social cues, and things like that. I have a sneaking suspicion that such a thing would not be possible, but a curebie would probably latch onto that drug like a life saver, and proclaim it the new panacea.
Curebies are often the same people who think nothing of chelating their kids with dangerous drugs, yet won't eat anything that isn't organic...which seems ironic.
Oh, sigh. As long as they don't start going door to door peddlin' their wares.
Is it hot where you're at, Nanna? I know that's out of the blue, but I'm getting snow here by the border, and I'm dreamin' of warm climes....
Metta, Rjaye.