....Ok, back from the gym. I'm afraid I may contribute to your "multi-possibilities" problem Lemon, as a lot of great job ideas sprung inside my head. But maybe you've never considered yourself inside of one of these roles, and maybe they'll help you decide on a new career, or narrow down your search for one:
1. Goddess. May as well start at the top, I say. This job has lots of positives, a few negatives, and a few perks. Being able to cast jerks into Cerberus' dog bowl in and of itself should make you take a serious look at this job. Now, keeping all the other Gods and Goddesses straight, and who has what powers, and who is married to whom, and which one is the other's kid, blah, blah, blah, etc. gets confusing (and they are a backstabbing quarrelsome bunch). Plus, the whole "prostrating and beseeching" thing would get a little old. But casting lightning bolts would be a blast!! !
And there's the whole immortality thing! Worth a look.
2. Dictator of the World. Not a bad job. Plus, you don't have to be elected! You just declare yourself "Dictator", then do whatever you want whenever you want to.
Of course, no one is going to pay attention to you unless you can scare the bejeebus out of them. That's where the "shrink/restore" ray comes in. You show the world that you can shrink anything you want to - the Eiffel Tower, an army dispatched against you, anything, unless they do as you say.
Muahahahahaha! And you can restore shrunk stuff to its original size - if everyone behaves. [Then you just shrink the world whenever you want to rest, and you'll never have to worry about being assassinated in your sleep.]
I almost have the "shrink/restore" ray figured out. It has something to do with my washing machine. I have perfected "shrink", but I haven't figured out "restore" at all yet. However, if this job interests you, it's going to be a possibility in the near future.
3. Leader of a country. Ok, this is a step down, ok several steps down, from what you have already been doing. But the parking perks aren't bad. Plus whenever there is a problem, all you have to do is turn and look directly at the person standing next to you and say, "Take care of it." A third grader could do this!! !
Here's a group of third graders taking "leader of a country" class, (one is cheating off the others):
The best part: whether you finish your term or not, you can write a book afterwards and make millions and never have to work again!! !
(I know, I know, it's a complete waste of your talents, and unworthy of consideration except by those unable to do anything else, ...but if you hold your nose and get "comatose drunk" for 4 years - you could survive it).
I'll post these for your perusal, then be back with more...