Chuck wrote:
Contemplator of Life Atop A Very Tall "I": The view from up here is
fantastic! !! There is a refreshing absence of people and the drudge of everyday life is kilometers below. You can sit here undisturbed as long as you wish, and return with the answers to every question. Problem: it's a bit cold. But the free-fall leap-off/ parachute hang glider ride to the bottom are worth the climb!! !
Plus, afterward, you get to be the Dali Lemon.
If the Very Tall "I" is in Cardiff, Wales, of course, you may find your place already occupied by an immortal fellow wearing a WWII RAF coat. Don't worry, though - Capt. Harkness is
extremely friendly...
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.