lemon wrote:
...cool tower !...
Aaaahhh!! !
An interest in becoming The Dali Lemon, eh? (page 776) A most excellent choice - high salary, and you won't have to reinvent the wheel. Ok, here's how it plays:
First you climb the tower, making sure to be noticed. (Probably a good idea to wear a miner's hat with blinking red light. Serves two purposes: keeps aircraft from running into the Very Tall I (as it doesn't have a light of its own), and it makes you visible to people below - lets people know that you have spent a lot of time up there in contemplation).
After your descent, finish every sentence you say with "...Thus spake Dali Lemon."
"What were you doing up there?"
"Sitting. Thus spake Dali Lemon."
"I have contemplated the Vibrations of All Things atop the Very Tall I. Thus spake Dali Lemon."
Now - don't answer any more questions for several minutes, then look knowingly into everyones' faces and say, "The truth of my Vibrology shall be made known unto all. Thus spake Dali Lemon." Then smile the confident enlightened smile that only the High Priestess and Keeper of the Secrets of Vibrology can smile, and in utter and complete calm, head held high, stroll away at your leisure.
You will end up on television (as every kook, ..er.. High Priestess/Priest does). You won't be given very much time, so you must connect with the audience
immediately. Start off with something
everyone can relate to: ask, "Have you ever been in the presence of someone who has given you a 'bad vibe'?" Everyone will think, "Yeah! I've felt that!" Now say, " The Vibe is within us, and around us, and in all things. Your own Vibe can be a bad Vibe, but it can be made Right and Balanced. Thus spake Dali Lemon." Looking peaceful, calm, and supremely blissful, smile into the camera lens.
Soon you will have a following.
In the gatherings that ensue, do not give any directives. People do not like to be told what to do. For example, don't give directives such as "Sit! Be silent!". Instead
invite people to sit and be silent. People can be
invited to do anything.
Ok, here's how it plays:
"Atop the Very Tall I, sitting, I calmed my inner Vibrations and contemplated the I. Before the I, there were all those who came before. Before those, the gods. Thus spake Dali Lemon."
"What came before the gods?"
"Before the gods, there was the Vast Silence of no Vibration. Thus spake Dali Lemon."
Now, sitting silently, with a look of utter and complete peace on your face, let people contemplate your words. Then say:
"I invite you all to Sit, I invite you all to be Silent, and we shall re-connect with the Vast Silence of no Vibration. Thus spake Dali Lemon."
Soon people will declare miracles - how they found inner calm, lowered their blood pressure, cured their cancer, stilled their racing minds through the Power of Vibrology, and the Teachings of the Great Dali Lemon...
Here's where you can start incorporating things you enjoy, while making money. Explain to your followers that daily jogging around a lake prior to sitting and being silent removes excessive energy vibrations in their bodies, and
invite them to join you. You can invite them to buy special Vibrology Running Shoes ,TM, and video DVD's explaining correct Vibrology Jogging for this purpose. You can explain that carrying excessive baggage, such as money, prevents Harmonic Rhythms in their Vibrational Being. Set up drop-off depots to collect this excess baggage, and invite them to rid themselves of it. "Aaaahhh! Aren't we feeling so much freer now? Thus spake Dali Lemon."
Use your trumpet, now called a Vibrational Energy Detection/Emission Device, and ear to mouthpiece listen to their Vibrational Essence. If you detect Dysrhythmia, paint dots on their faces and bodies, or invite them to remove more money baggage, until they attain Harmonic Vibration.
Note: as with all sects, there will soon be spin-offs, splintering, and fractioning of your followers. So act fast - you've probably got three years at most to free people of their baggage and promote Good Vibrations. Then they will be off following the Law of Lau, the Blessings of Blessedmom, Nun Nan, Proselytizing Pedantic Postie, DeaconBlues, Merle the Magnificent, the Cross of Krex, the ommmmm of Gromit's Maxims, Mass with Duncansbass, Rjaye the Metta-Physician, Hartz of Space Time and the Afterlife, the Tao of Enter the SleepyDragon, Nannarob's N-lightenings, the Zen of Zanne's No Spoon Doctrine, Billard's Spiritual Innards, richie's way of no phone no booze no cigarettes TM
(congratulations richie!
Good song. Strange video. Thus spake Dali Lemon: