All congratulations should be directed at Yowler... as it was her idea and correct vision of exactly what would work.
I took me a fortnight to contribute to
the original, and that was when it had reached the heady heights of page 4.
So... I make it just over an hour and a half to the exact moment the cafe opened for business... no... scratch that... pleasure!
I was just over at the old cafe trying to find my first post there.....Along the way I found this:
sinsboldly wrote:
Just to be arbitrary, Merle, the site says it
insists on Flash 6, whereas I have Flash 9 installed. Maybe I should try watching it standing on my head?
Inventor... what an appropriate day for it to happen! In case you should forget the year, it's three squared times 223.
Ah! But maybe it's all be prearranged... this is the day when the rest of the world suddenly turns to us lot, take off
their masks and say "April fool! There's no such thing as NT!".
Also, I wonder how much longer CockneyRebel can keep her post count above the member count?
And finally, I guess for my antipodean compatriots, it's already segued into April 2nd. An interesting concept, suddenly. WrongPlanet does have an historic "home", localised on the planet, but I guess even Alex would admit it's pretty much a global "thing". For a WP event, maybe a date according to Alex's time zone is appropriate, which should ensure that 10,000 = April 1st.
For global events that have no meaningful location, UTC seems more sensible. Hopefully, 10,000 members gets there today for even me (I'm 1 hour ahead of GMT as of last week, so, looking at the clock, and calculating, I have just under 9 hours left, with 18 new members "yesterday", that's 7 expected, but there are 8 needed. Argh! I think I might have to argue more forcefully for the date to be taken for UTC, which will give another hour, and just that smidgen more of a chance to get there.
Silly story about GMT. Using Greenwich as the prime meridian was agreed on back in 1884. So I've been told, there was a political deal went on, whereby France let us have Greenwich as zero degrees on the condition that we'd adopt the new fangled "metric system". Two centuries later, we did.
The moral of that tale is, if you make a deal with the devil...
"Also, I wonder how much longer CockneyRebel can keep her post count above the member count?"
Ten months later she is still ahead of the pack....Member count: 16722, CockneRebel's post count: 16925....
I think my first post in the Dino Cafe might have been this new one and I was bouncing back & forth for a while.