The Dino-Aspie Ex-Café (for Those 40+... or feeling creaky)

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16 Feb 2008, 3:37 pm

...powertrain? :P I'm having trouble keeping my own squeeky-toy brain wound up! :lol:

Love younses! :lol:


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16 Feb 2008, 3:39 pm

Merle, not to worry. We've got a new spot for the WC. I'm not sure who this fellow is testing it out for us, though...


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16 Feb 2008, 3:45 pm

My first post:

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 10:58 am Post subject: The Dino-Aspie Cafe (for Those 40+... or feeling creaky)

This thread is for those of us who are in the 40+ age range, (or folks who feel comfortable in the company of old coots), probably having not been diagnosed for most of our lives. We can share our unique experiences and problems and whatever else we Dino-Aspies do. Welcome! Very Happy

I am YowlingCat, 54 years old, and diagnosed last year. I have an orange cat named Sagan, who is a sweet butthead. Love science and music and reading. Eighteen years of school, neuropsychology, theatre technology, but no degrees.

Well, that's a start. And you?



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16 Feb 2008, 3:46 pm

Cool, a new game! :D Like a golf driving range. You can see the 45 yard mark, but it probably goes to 300 yards....


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16 Feb 2008, 3:48 pm

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :hail: :cheers: :drunken:


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16 Feb 2008, 3:56 pm

First Anniversary muffins brought to you by Postie! :D
(They may have been here all year - found them in a bogeyskep! :wink: )


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16 Feb 2008, 3:58 pm

Chuck's first ever post, anywhere!! !!

*BONK!*...*Ooof!*...*Bounce!*...*KER-Splat!! !!*

After years of falling through a very deep and strange rabbit hole, I finally reach the top. I climb out, lie down, dust myself off, slip on a "false smile" mask, periscope 360 degrees, make some fast calculations with my slide rule. Apparently I am under a cafe table looking at the very creaky legs of several exotic caffeinated/ alcoholic beverage drinking cake-and-spam eating Aspie dinos!. Peering into my lens are a very nice bunch of people who would probably appreciate my coming out from under the table. It looks safe to cast off the "false smile" mask here.

I crawl out from under the table, stand up on my own creaky 48 year old legs, and say "Hello!" to all.

Its been a long journey, so I'd like to just drink a tea, listen, and rest for a while. But here's my nutshell: was officially diagnosed Asperger's this January/ ADD last May. I'm new to chat rooms etc., and this is my first ever post.

Glad to meet you!

Awww, Chuckie....


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16 Feb 2008, 4:02 pm

Luvs yas Yowler! :D I'm off (no kiddin') to do a bit of drawing... but will be back later. Have fun,
and congratulations again! :D :D :D :D :D


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16 Feb 2008, 4:43 pm

sinsboldly wrote:
Hello, Yowling Cat,
I liked your description of your little guest house you lost in the '96 flood. When I cold turkey'ed off of Celexa, I lived in a small storage shed in Ruch in the Applegate Valley above Jacksonville here in Southern Oregon.
I hear we Aspies fixate on geographical locations. Although I was born and raised in Wichita, KS, my heart has ever been in Oregon, from my first memory and I have lived in Portland, Hood River, Eugene and my heart of hearts, the Applegate Valley between Medford and Grants Pass.
I have a sweet butthead named Makushla (my darlin' in Celtic) and am 57 years old. I was self diagnosed about 4 months ago and am working on integrating it into my life. I must say, it is a great relief to me to see myself so clearly in the books and articles.
Like wandering through a Fun House of Mirrors my whole life and bang! there I am in a true mirror.

Feb 25, 2007 ( my gawd, it seems so much longer ago!)


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16 Feb 2008, 4:59 pm

From the old cafe, my first Cafe post!

TRUE wrote:
Killer: Yes, I am a killer
Aspie: That's stupid, is that your regular job or do you have a day job too?
Killer: You should be afraid
Aspie: Of those plaid pants, I am. I am very afraid you'll tell me they are in fashion.
Killer: <menacing look>
Aspie: I don't know what that means, but I have seen that face on babies before they throw up.

Okay, I would pay cash money to see that in a story. (Hey, maybe I could suggest it to the writer of the comic book "Cable & Deadpool" - sounds like the sort of thing Deadpool might run into while trying to threaten somebody...)

Krex, that was just a bad dream, thank Deity! Fortunately, even the Bush Misadministration hasn't become quite so contemptuous of the Constitution that they'll install a "Chief White House Aide", whatever that's supposed to be, into a new office that the President would have to insert by force into the Department of the Interior. Not just yet. Too many of us are looking - they might get caught this time.

Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.


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16 Feb 2008, 5:02 pm

Woo-Hoo, DeaconBlues! :D
I remember that, too!
Have some cake or pie, whichever suits ya.
The wine is cold except when it shouldn't be and the beer is, too.
All you can drink, and then some.

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16 Feb 2008, 5:34 pm

This is so fun, reading the old posts! I am very happy to have found this place. :heart: :bounce:

Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
-- Dr. Dale Turner


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16 Feb 2008, 6:00 pm

So glad you're here enjoying it! :D

Got any to post, hmmmmmm?

Watch out for Chuck. He's running the 45 - 300 sign-post shoot.

Don't forget the brownies!

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16 Feb 2008, 6:28 pm

lau wrote:
All congratulations should be directed at Yowler... as it was her idea and correct vision of exactly what would work.

I took me a fortnight to contribute to the original, and that was when it had reached the heady heights of page 4.

So... I make it just over an hour and a half to the exact moment the cafe opened for business... no... scratch that... pleasure!

I was just over at the old cafe trying to find my first post there.....Along the way I found this:
lau wrote:
sinsboldly wrote:

Just to be arbitrary, Merle, the site says it insists on Flash 6, whereas I have Flash 9 installed. Maybe I should try watching it standing on my head?

Inventor... what an appropriate day for it to happen! In case you should forget the year, it's three squared times 223.

Ah! But maybe it's all be prearranged... this is the day when the rest of the world suddenly turns to us lot, take off their masks and say "April fool! There's no such thing as NT!".

Also, I wonder how much longer CockneyRebel can keep her post count above the member count?

And finally, I guess for my antipodean compatriots, it's already segued into April 2nd. An interesting concept, suddenly. WrongPlanet does have an historic "home", localised on the planet, but I guess even Alex would admit it's pretty much a global "thing". For a WP event, maybe a date according to Alex's time zone is appropriate, which should ensure that 10,000 = April 1st.

For global events that have no meaningful location, UTC seems more sensible. Hopefully, 10,000 members gets there today for even me (I'm 1 hour ahead of GMT as of last week, so, looking at the clock, and calculating, I have just under 9 hours left, with 18 new members "yesterday", that's 7 expected, but there are 8 needed. Argh! I think I might have to argue more forcefully for the date to be taken for UTC, which will give another hour, and just that smidgen more of a chance to get there.

Silly story about GMT. Using Greenwich as the prime meridian was agreed on back in 1884. So I've been told, there was a political deal went on, whereby France let us have Greenwich as zero degrees on the condition that we'd adopt the new fangled "metric system". Two centuries later, we did.

The moral of that tale is, if you make a deal with the devil...

"Also, I wonder how much longer CockneyRebel can keep her post count above the member count?"
Ten months later she is still ahead of the pack....Member count: 16722, CockneRebel's post count: 16925....

I think my first post in the Dino Cafe might have been this new one and I was bouncing back & forth for a while.

Life! Liberty!...and Perseveration!!.....
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16 Feb 2008, 6:33 pm

YowlingCat wrote:
Merle, not to worry. We've got a new spot for the WC. I'm not sure who this fellow is testing it out for us, though...

What happened to the potted plant?

Life! Liberty!...and Perseveration!!.....
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16 Feb 2008, 6:34 pm

YowlingCat wrote:
So glad you're here enjoying it! :D

Got any to post, hmmmmmm?

Watch out for Chuck. He's running the 45 - 300 sign-post shoot.

Don't forget the brownies!


sinsboldly wrote:
the room grows dim,
the spot comes up,
the young crone steps up to the mike.

This is a little something I wrote today when I was thinking of somthing else.

I have a little secret I wear upon my face
I keep it very near to me in a most convenient place.
I hope you do not guess it, you might take me to task
I take it out and put it on, it's my "normal" NT mask!

It keeps the world from pressing in; it makes me look like you!
I wear it so easily you won’t believe that it's not true
I laugh and nod and make my mouth do what passes for a smile
I walk and talk and do the stuff that makes me rank and file.

But underneath the artifice, I am bored with all your talk.
Your gossip and your ‘he said-she said’; at all of this I balk!
You're constantly rattling on about the very least of things
your husband's warts, your baby's farts, your last romantic fling.

I’m sure it’s very interesting, and I tilt my head just so
I don’t want to be left out, so I put on the show.
After all should I decide to let my Aspie out?
I could bore you too to tears, and thought of as a lout.

So when you’re on and on about the rights of "people of the pod*"
and force your strict conformity on politics, style, and God.
Mind games you play with no regard for innocence or youth
you're quick to point with fingers gnarled at what you see as 'Truth.’

But I bear it all with stoicism, and onward do I march
to keep lock step with all of you when inwardly I lurch
you rub me wrong, you irritate, you scrape my nerve ends raw
you constantly regale me with what you did and saw

So if I inwardly rebel against the draw of luck
and stifle yelling to your face, “you idiot! you suck!”
and out from the mask cracks the rebellion wells and oozes
pardon me, in the genetic crap shoot; you are the bunch of losers.

Thank you, thank you very much

steps down out of the spot.

· (Pod people) obscure reference to “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” a black and white 1956 American Science Fiction Movie
· poetic license, so shoot me!