[Er, I got a little carried away.]
Icna and Fracna were two elven technicians who worked for the University Nuclear Commission- a large organisation dedicated to providing cheap, efficient power sources to universities and colleges throughout Fairy Land. They enjoyed their mundane work, but secretly yearned to move into a more creative field, such as advertising and design.
One afternoon as he was walking through the poorly lit, foggy UNC corridors, Icna tripped and smacked his head into the wall.
"Gah! I hate this place... it's always so dark and there's always that horrible smell. Ow... my head really hurts this time. Damned UNC visibility issues! I never had this sort of trouble when I worked as a lab elf. A stupid problem like this fog management issue should have been fixed years ago!"
Fracna sighed and helped his friend up, gently giving his sore head a rub. "Ooh, thanks bro, but I think the swelling will go down soon."
Icna had been having a terrible day- earlier this morning he had spilled coffee all over his regulation UNC overalls, and now this... There was one thing that might cheer him up however- perhaps if Fracna spoke with the Fairy Queen about the advertising scheme they had given her to look over on the weekend. If she accepted it, they could finally leave their jobs at the UNC, and Icna's mood would improve for sure!
The fairy queen looked at Fracna and raised an eyebrow. "Car manufacturers sponsoring first aid kits? I'm sorry Fracna, but that's the stupidest idea I've ever heard."
The small elf looked hurt. "It's a sensible idea really! Road safety is at an alltime low. If we could use this idea as a way to convince the companys to include a kit with every car..."
The queen chuckled. "Heh, well actually I quite liked your idea about the Toyota Corolla band-aids, but I'm not so sure about the Nissan Pulsar cast Icna mentioned earlier. I mean, anyone can apply a band-aid, but you really need a trained medical professional to apply a cast- I don't think first aid kits even come with casts do they?"
Five minutes later, Fracna ran back to the UNC headquarters to tell Icna the news. Rushing into the staffroom, he was shocked to see Icna half naked- struggling to pull his pants up over his bare ass. "Ass in pants please Icna... I really didn't need to see that."
Icna looked rightfully embarassed. "Sorry old chum- I was just changing my overalls. People kept staring at the coffee stain on my other pair."
Fracna laughed. "You may as well change into your civvies then- we got the job! We're out of here!"
Hurrah for the two elves! Yay! They overcame their dull career and acheived their dreams- all by following their heart. I hope you've learned something from this story, children, and when you go to sleep tonight spare a thought for Icna and Fracna and wish them well in their new career!