I may have a picture to share once the rest of my new going-outside outfit (which I'll probably end up wearing every single time I leave the house without fail like the last one) arrives from amazon. It's even more stand-out than my last outfit (which got me a lot of bad comments from people who hate individuality, even though it wasn't even that extreme an outfit... but then I don't care what people thing, I dress to MY tastes, not to 'fashion').
In the mean time, I could share what I believe to by my 'true' self (could call it an artistic representation of my mental existence), which my display picture also illustrates, but it'll have to be a separate older drawing because the one in my display picture contains nudity (albeit of a non-sexual, anatomic nature involved humanoid with no genitalia or visible digestive output, but I don't want to break any rules as I know there are people who hate that kinda stuff).
So here's that older pic. The hands and feet are awfully drawn, however XD
Stimming, stimming all day long~
Common sense? Me? Hahahahahahaha no. You're more likely to find penguins in the sahara.
We should adapt - but we should not conform.
A life without tea is a life not worth living.
Latest Aspie Quiz: AS - 151, NT - 38 / RAADS-R: 195 / AQ: 38