I've been lurking here all week and decided to register today. I am a 25-year-old female and I live in the U.S. I have spent my entire life trying to figure out what's "wrong" with me, why I have always been so different from everyone around me, and about a year and a half ago learned about Asperger's Syndrome. It fit me so perfectly and explained so much. I go Friday, the 26th, to officially be tested for it. I'm so nervous - an official diagnosis will be such a relief. Knowing that there is an all-encompassing term for my "weirdness" and that I'm not just some random eccentric makes me feel validated somehow, that it's not some personal failing that has caused all of my problems.
I have a B.S. in social sciences and used to work as a secretary for a state agency but had to resign because of my ridiculous anxiety and bouts with depression. I'm currently on disability but would love to find a line of work that I can thrive in despite the Asperger's. I just can't navigate office politics well enough to make it in a typical work setting. I got seriously used by my former boss, who turned me from her administrative assistant into her personal assistant. I hate confrontation and didn't know how to handle the situation or her constant manipulation, which caused panic attacks so bad that I started missing a lot of work.
So, here I am. I'm on disability (I have been fighting the chronic anxiety and depression since I was and spend my days at home alone trying to figure out what to do next. I'm not happy with life the way it is, I'm terribly lonely but I don't know how to go out and make friends like a "normal" person. Besides my partner (I'm gay, my partner and I have been together for 4+ years and we live together) and talking on the phone to my mother several times a month I don't see or speak to other people at all. I'm hoping connecting with other people on the spectrum will help me figure out how to live with the Asperger's, instead of just sort of existing with it.