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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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01 Jun 2009, 11:52 pm

Well... I'm not sure.

I'm Jon. I'm from Philadelphia, PA. My brother is diagnosed with AS, but he didn't get diagnosed until my senior year of high school. School was hell... never quite fit in, and I seem to have a lot of the signs/symptoms of Aspergers... but I really don't know where to go with it. My parents aren't a lot of help... everyone seems to think I've got AS... but there's no diagnosis. On the same token, I'm not sure what good a diagnosis will do for me, and where I'd go from there.

I'm in my 20's... working full-time, going to school part-time, and realizing that I have a very limited social life, and that I don't seem to fit in with the folks I hang out with. They get along and have fun, and I feel like a tag-along.

When I did trade school full-time out of high school, I wasn't ready, and eventually failed out. I'm almost done going though again, 5 years later. I've been successful, if not the most stellar student.

Well... that's me, at least as it relates to here. I'm not even sure what I'm looking for at this point


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02 Jun 2009, 4:42 am

Hi Jon

Welcome to WP. I think hanging around here clarifies whether they have it or not for some people and also to what extent they are affected. Siblings of the dx'ed can have some symptoms too, my sister is rather odd but she meets peer standards for her age (married, mostly in fulltime work, was school prefect), whereas I don't (never married, lots of difficulty even getting jobs etc). Then again, maybe you have a lot of symptoms. I don't know, hopefully you will find out here. :D


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02 Jun 2009, 9:55 am

Welcome, fellow-citizen Jon., to the Wrong Planet community.

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02 Jun 2009, 11:08 am

Welcome to WP!