So, I joined the site about a month or two ago and I even replied to a few forums, but never really communicated with anyone . So here I am saying "Hi" to all of Wrong Planet .
If you want to know anything about me, here it goes:
I am going into my sophomore year at my loca community college. I want to transfer to San Jose State next year (this is in California) to major in occupational therapy. My emphasis will be in autism, specialty in aspergers. I feel like I can make a big difference with my backgroud with aspergers. I run on my school's cross coutry and track teams. I would like to continue running at what ever four year school I go to. I sing in choir at my church and I am a big believer in christ. I love everything there is about my church: the doctrine, our work, the ministry, the choir's music, the youth group and college group, the fact that I have friends there, the community. I really belong there and it is great. My case of asperger's is very minor, but it is definitlely there. I have become more open about it and am willing to tell someone about it if the conversation proves right. I see it as just another piece of information that can help one to understand me a bit better.
you learn something new everyday