I'm Will. I just finished reading "look me in the eye" by John Elder Robertson. I was overwhelmed with happiness that there are people just like me in the world and that he, like me, has found that you can learn the softer skills in life - like looking people in the eye, chit-chat, remembering peoples names etc... I read the part at the back of the paperback that sent me to the OASIS site for Aspergers, I took the test for my Autism Quotient and scored 36. 16 was the average score for the test group, and 80% of those who scored over 32 were diagnosed with AS or Autism.
So yay! I have a name for what I am.
I don't like it when people say things like "A couple of points" and then only give one. It drives me nuts when people talk in circles without going anywhere. I am constantly distracted by noises, and if travelling in a noisy car / streetcar / subway I'm practically unable to do anything but sit in a stuper feeling anxious. I'm intelligent and a programmer, and will happily, and with relish, dive into a complex project that will keep me up for 2 days straight until it is done. Never cared about my appearence, never followed trends. I remember my mum saying dismissively that I had no sense of style. Is this all part of AS?
But some things don't fit, and I'm not sure what that means - one thing that didn't ring true, was that I'm not clumsy. I'd go as far to say I'm pretty graceful, and movement, and the way I move has always been a source of joy for me. I like running down steps two/three at a time, I like doing two things at once, like pouring a glass of wine, and going through the cupboard with my free hand while cooking. I love snowboarding and rock climbing and sliding down banisters. The latter, in public, is of course is frowned upon for a 31 year old for some reason, but I still do it. Anyone else like sliding down banisters?
The other thing that doesn't quite ring true was empathy and being able to read people. But this has two parts to it. The first is that for most of my life I couldn't read people at all well, and I think a lot of that had to do with not looking people in the eye. The second part is that, when I realized that I needed to start doing that to fit in, I suddenly found that I could accurately predict whether they were being truthful, hurtful, sarcastic - I could go as far as reading how they had been damaged in their life, predict divorces in their past etc...
The only thing is that I have to remember to use that skill. Naturally I wont use it, but when I decide to use it, it is fairly laser like, has anyone else seen this / learnt this?
Nice to meet you all, I'll call you my family.