I really think that I do have some form of it. I think having the diagnosis would be something that I could finally say, "Look, this is what is going on with me." I have felt like a failure at almost everything that I do. Especially in my marriage. My husband doesn't understand why I am the way that I am. When he asks me why I do something, or don't do something (which is mainly what it is), I really have no answer for it. I'm a horrible house keeper and wife. I don't really care much about myself. I guess I think about myself as not what the image of a wife should be. I'm great with my kids and sometimes I think it's because I'm on their level, in some way. I feel like a kid at times, in an adult body. My husband isn't into the whole autism thing with the kids. He goes by what I tell him, until he's heard enough, which usually doesn't last but a couple of minutes. I don't show much emotion to anything, although I am a very emotional person. If that's possible. I've always thought I was either stong or cold hearted. Which is a problem because I am not very affectionate to him. I love him with everything that I have but have a hard time showing it. I'm very quick to say how I feel, without thinking. When I am 'into' something, I obsess over it. I could go the rest of my life, living at home and not dealing with the outside world. I can't tell a simple story, I have to give every single detail. As far as eye contact goes, I am over the top, never looking away from someone when I am talking to them. I do have sensory issues myself, only recently did I know what a sensory issue was. I'm very picky about what I eat, which is not many 'different' things, I could eat the same thing everyday. Anyway, I could go on and on about my issues, as I'm sure everyone could. I guess back to the comment of the diagnosis helping me let go of the negative self-image, I'm thinking that it might be a good idea, if I could get him on board to understand they way that I am. No matter how hard I pray, I can't change.