G'Day, just been reading some posts and this looks to be quite a supportive place to be.
Here is my story so far...
My 10 year old son was diagnosed with AS about 18 months ago. Since that time my wife has been calling me an Aspie, but not in a mean way - I always refused to believe it. In fact, my opinion is it may not even exist because everyone is different so why put people in a box. Once you get put in that box you become a stereotype and people expect you to 'be' a certian way. According to my wife that's a very Aspie view of things. And actually when I think logically about it and by oberserving my son with all the troubles he has had I know it to be true.
My wife gave me a challenge the other day "OK, if you don't belive me there are some tests on the Internet you can try to find out." Well, if I am given a challenge I usually can't refuse it (I'm stubborn to a fault). Did a few tests and guess what they all say I am an Aspie. One that is mentioned on this forum told me this:
Your Aspie score: 123 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 69 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
That was after doing it a second time, trying to rig it to be more 'normal'. I'll try and describe why I may be:
No friends
Can't make new friends
Don't really need friends
Hate social situations
Difficult work meetings leave me very drained and depressed - sometimes sick
Can't take criticism
Very literal
Take my time to explain things, must think carefully before answering
Hate surprises
Always playing with objects, most often pens or rubbing hands together
Hand writing is disgusting no matter how hard I try
Constant feeling of 'not belonging' or 'fitting in'
The list goes on, but that's enough for now
I can do some things in my work that no one else can. I work with legislation and compliance, so can afford to be very pedantic. I can map things out in very intricate ways. When someone is describing a problem to me, I can see a very detailed linking of issues, tasks, rules, problems in my mind. I can spot errors and details that most people just don't seem to see, so sometimes I am seen as picky. I am aware of this, so try to be polite and positive about things.
Anyway, that is enough about me for now. I hope this forum will teach me something about myself. If I truly am an Aspie or not.