i went to my psychiatrist tuesday. she said when she first met me she thought aspergers and every new information she thinks it even more. and she says auditory processing disorder is with aspergers. my social anxiety, shy, im horrible with social cues, interpret things the wrong way, developmental delay in language, sensitivty to sound. i am going to try to find a site about aspergers so my mom can read it and to see if she thinks i have it. does anyone know where i can look? i heard theres different levels of it does anyone know where i can check that out too? i told her how would i have that im not smart, i dont have a high IQ and i dont know huge words. ive talked to lots of people with aspergers and they have that. there was other things i have i forget that told her i have it. she also said im smart in my own way and there are different kinds of aspergers like different levels. i know i have problem sleeping, not organized, i still have trouble remembering to brush my teeth or brush my hair ( cant remember unless i do it all the time, i noticed). i read that most aspergers know a lot of vocabulary when younger and now a lot. and im not good on that so i have no idea. i just want information. does anyone know any good sites to look? if anyone could help that would be helpful. thanks
oh and i got off fish oils since they made my sensitivty to hearing like 10,000 times worse. and i see it came back to normal still sensitive but not like before.
ill also say other things. i am catherine. im 20 years old. i live in new jersey. i was known as the shy loner and the weirdo in school. i love to paint, draw, write poetry, and take photographs. i love being with my family and friends. i love listening to music, depends on my mood.i love fruit especially mangoes and pineapples and strawberries. i am an internet lover, on the internet a lot. my best friends name is charlene. i hope to learn more about aspergers and meet friends on here.
- catherine