Hello This seems like a nice little community here. I've been lurking for a while, and thought maybe I should finally join in. As tempting as it is to go into my life story here , I won't since this would get so long that no one would read it. For now I'll just say that I'm self-diagnosed AS (absolutely no doubt in my mind), so I've experienced many of the difficulties that the rest of you have. I consider myself a nice person, but alas, I have no friends due to my social difficulties. I'm hoping to take part in what goes on around here, and hopefully make some friends. Let's see, what else? I'm a university student majoring in math (techinally it's math and stats right now, but I'm switching to just math ASAP), I'm male, 22, living in Canada. I guess that's about it for now!
The following sentence is true. The previous sentence is false.