I've been reading these forums for a while, but I decided to post now. I'm using the standard newbie introduction because I really suck starting conversations!
Anyhow, I'm not a diagnosed Aspie, I just suspect I have it, so that's probably why the majority of sentences I write begin with "I". I've never even heard of Asperger's until a couple of years ago. I was watching an episode of "Law & Order", and one of the suspects was an Aspie. I was watching that, and noticed that the character had the same personality traits as my own dad. Later, I told my mom (who's been long since divorced from him), that there might be a name for dad's personality type, which is Asperger's. A few months later, mom told me that she was telling a friend of hers about it, and her friend's son was exactly like my dad, and her son was diagnosed as an Aspie. By the way, I never told dad this. There's no reason to upset him.
After this, I suspected I was an Aspie myself, because I could relate to my dad in many ways. I have many of his personality traits.
Today, I decided to confirm or deny my suspicions by taking the Aspie quiz.
Here's what I got:
Your Aspie score: 98 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 105 of 200
You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits
I understand that as saying "You're half Aspie, half neurotypical." That makes sense, because dad's an Aspie and mom's normal, so it stands to reason that their offspring would be half and half.