I've been browsing through this site for quite a while before finally caving in and deciding to join. For the most part, this looks like a welcoming site and a wonderful place for other Asperger's people to meet one another. I've never been good at introducing myself, so to spare you from cubic overload, I shall redirect you to my myspace profile page.
I think it summarizes the aspects of myself quite nicely. Other things about myself include a passion for creative writing, an innate motivation to learn new things, along with being an introverted perfectionist. Despite being seventeen years old, I like to think my cognitive abilities are on a more mature level, though in other areas, I'm a child at heart. I'm interested in meeting other people, yet, you must keep in mind that I'm an innately shy person behind the computer screen. I'm very conscientious about myself, even though the internet allows you to assume the identity of a more anonymous figure. I try to have a varied amount of interests so I can relate to other people better; also, I've recently been trying to better myself as a person to fulfill my potential.
So, I hope I get to know all of you better and contribute a bit to this site as well.
Last edited by starsxandxboulevards on 23 Mar 2007, 9:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.