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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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31 Jul 2009, 5:10 pm

Hi, I'm Xule. I'm female and I'm Irish
I'm here because after years of social difficulties I went to my doctor for help, and after a brief chat she suggested I probably have Asperger's Syndrome. I'm currently waiting for her to get in contact with someone who can make a proper diagnosis. I thought it would be good to get in touch with Aspies, in case I need help. Be ready to see more 'is this because of my disorder?' topics in future
I'm a student, studying Philosophy and English in Dublin. My favourite band is Girugamesh


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31 Jul 2009, 5:11 pm

Welcome to WP!

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Blue Jay
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31 Jul 2009, 5:28 pm

Hello Xule. I'm "Victor" and I'm a male Yank. I'm probably about as new here as you. I looked into AS after my father told me he had it and it made a lot of sense to me. I haven't been diagnosed and don't foresee being diagnosed until I am considerably more wealthy. Such is life, no?

Good luck in your search, and I hope all ends well for you.

Somewhat mad, slightly maligned, sensibly mathematical.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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31 Jul 2009, 5:30 pm

Hello! I hope you stick around either way, and if you don't I hope you get whatever help you need! =^_^=


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31 Jul 2009, 5:32 pm

Hi Xule. Welcome to WP. I hope you like it here. :)

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31 Jul 2009, 5:34 pm

To WrongPlanet!! !Image

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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31 Jul 2009, 5:42 pm

Victor wrote:
I haven't been diagnosed and don't foresee being diagnosed until I am considerably more wealthy. Such is life, no?

I know the feeling! I despaired a bit when my doctor said she'd refer me to someone else; her appointment alone set me back €85! Trying to get a diagnosis will no doubt be considerably more. I was thinking about just visiting my university health center for the free counselor. But I doubt they'd be qualified enough, right?

Blue Jay
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31 Jul 2009, 6:45 pm

I doubt that they would be qualified enough. Was it seriously 85 euros? I haven't seen that kind of money in person in months. It's a good thing I have family around here or I would be getting mighty hungry. In another week I'll be employed again though and making money. I'll be able to afford all the essentials food, coffee, maybe even that tattoo. Of course the last would scandalize my Mormon family but I think they'll live.

Somewhat mad, slightly maligned, sensibly mathematical.

Snowy Owl
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01 Aug 2009, 5:52 am

Yea free health care my ass
I was thinking of just going, getting a diagnosis and leaving it at that, since there really isn't a solid treatment for AS, and I get along alright on my own.
But I don't know if I have AS would I need some sort of a doctor's note for work, etc. It's not really that kind of syndrome, is it? Though if it meant I got to spend less time on the till I might try and get one, haha xD


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01 Aug 2009, 7:43 am

Hi, welcome. Interesting subjects you're majoring in. I at one pointed wanted to study both, but never got to that.


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01 Aug 2009, 10:16 am

It's nice to meet you, Xule. Welcome aboard the Wrong Planet.

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01 Aug 2009, 12:33 pm

Hi there, Xule. I hope you'll feel at home here.

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