So last spring I had a thoroughly enjoyable two-hour chat with an AS specialist at the local infirmary. A questionnaire to fill out, and high marks on a test? What could be better?
So I came away grinning broadly and with a shiny new AS diagnosis. I wasn't incompetent, I really just was wired differently, as I'd said all along.
Anyway, I've been meaning to sign up to WP for a year or so, but kept forgetting - I'm rather hoping poor memory is a common symptom of AS, but I keep forgetting to check - but having watched the BBC's "The Autistic Me" this evening I stumbled across WP again, and so here I am.
Um. Hi.
Well, since I don't know what the custom is in these newbie posts, I suppose I'll go with the standards. 27, male, English/Swedish, and proud geek. Never really had many friends, but... well, I've tended towards quality over quantity, and generally been successful in that. Or perhaps it's just that the good ones could put up with me, which is entirely possible.
Oh, and from no romantic experience at all, I seem to have found myself with my first girlfriend as of a few months back, which is nice. I'm not quite letting myself believe it yet - I haven't met her, we just spend five hours a day chatting over the webcam - but we're planning to meet up when she comes to a sensible hemisphere in November. And if she doesn't happen to leave, well, that would be nice. But I'm not taking anything for granted; just in case things go wrong, I'm just cautiously optimistic for now.
(Any advice on that front, by the way, would be quite welcome. I seem to be doing all right, but I'm a beginner at this.)
Other than that... Well, it's the classic stuff, really. Over-achieved in school until I was about twelve, got bored, never got the hang of studying, so by the time I got to the stuff I didn't know it all started to go downhill. Dropped out of university, the first time because of clinical depression (and nobody ever even mentioned the possibility of AS), and the second time because I was doing Sociology, for heaven knows what reason.
Since then... done my military service with moderate success until they sent me home for medical reasons
, done a spot of writing, things like that. Currently sitting around, trying to figure out how to get people to give me money to write. It's not working so far, but it's better than heavy lifting at Tesco.
Well, I seem to have rambled on a bit. I'm not sure what this sort of thing is supposed to cover... Interests? I'm a computer geek, a drummer, a lazy pianist, a military nerd, an airsofter, a recovering Trekkie... I drive an ex-military Land Rover, and attend blues jams whenever I get the chance. I go through lots of Post-Its, but forget to ever read them. Whoops.
Um. That's about it, I suppose. Any questions?
Last edited by awmperry on 12 Aug 2009, 7:31 am, edited 1 time in total.