Hi! I'm 61 from California, and believe me finding out I have AS has taken a load off my mind.
Am a professional musician (also good at math) with the typical "scanner" traits, but atypically not good at fixing computers nor can I tell what direction I'm facing! But it's me and I love it. (Yes my room is a mess but everything is alphabetized, including the spices! - I may change that to herbaceous versus ground seed!)
Hi back to all the geeks and nerds who belong to this great "country".
P.S.: to whoever pointed out that you can stop emoticons from moving by hitting "escape" I Bless You My Child! (Moving banners on ads drive me up the walls! I have to block them or I can't read web-pages; and those very fast-moving flashers on repair trucks on bridges almost put me into a form brain-freeze - I have to cover my eyes.)