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02 Aug 2009, 9:46 am

Hi WP people, I was diagnosed with AS a few years ago though I managed to get through life fairly successfully into middle age as an NT person.

I like to maintain an invisible aspie identity in my career simply because I can and because I've noted the negative attitudes to people with hidden differences eg bi-poplar, depression etc from even liberal and well-meaning NTs including autism professionals.

I’m a bit of a workaholic – an aspie trait in my case – but I enjoy the companionship of aspies. I don't talk or act any differently than I would to NT people, but I feel much more relaxed.

I'm organising a Glasgow meet-up on Saturday 8th August 2009 at Borders Books Cafe in Buchanan Street – starting there from 10.30 to 11am. If by chance, you’re in the area and you’re interested in the idea, please reply to this thread.

Last edited by geedee on 02 Aug 2009, 12:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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02 Aug 2009, 10:44 am

Greetings, fellow-traveler geedee, and welcome to the Wrong Planet neighborhood.

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02 Aug 2009, 12:04 pm

Hi there! :D

I'm in Glasgow too. Is the meet-up at night or during the day?

I probably won't be able to come as I'll be elsewhere with my son on the 8th, but I'd be interested in hearing about any future get togethers.


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02 Aug 2009, 12:20 pm

Hi Marcia, people will gather together to meet at the Borders Books Cafe from 10.30 to 11am. About five aspies from the east coast will meet a similar number from the Glasgow area – though aspies are welcome from anywhere!

The group will head off to the West End to spend the day walking round the Botanical Gardens, the University of Glasgow grounds, Kelvingrove Park, visit nearby museums and galleries, and eat and drink in Byres Road (or the city centre).

I'll also wait outside of Hillhead Subway Station from 2 to 2.15pm to link any newcomers who missed the morning meet-up to the main group.

I should be a friendly and interesting day out! If you need more details eg how to recognise me, please PM me.

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02 Aug 2009, 3:37 pm

To WrongPlanet!! !Image

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03 Aug 2009, 7:15 am

Hello. :) Welcome to WP.


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04 Aug 2009, 6:55 pm

Thanks for all the welcomes, WP folk. I thought I get a bit of stick for introducing myself a invisible aspie. Despite my NT public identity, I spend a lot of my private time with aspies – whether in the real or cyber world.

I would like to add that I've also got a diagnosis for dyslexia. This was a very painful issue when I younger, but by a process of hard graft and persistence, I've recovered. I attend some neurodiverse groups were I like to be recognised with both conditions.

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06 Aug 2009, 5:48 am

Im from Scotland too, but from the east coast.

While Im glad you are on here, maybe Im a wee bit paranoid that you wish to meet up with people, face-2-face, without getting to know a wee bit about them online first?

Wouldnt it be worth reducing any forms of anxiety on the day if you had discussions online beforehand?

Anyway, my email is [email protected] (MSN) if you want to talk.

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06 Aug 2009, 1:26 pm

Hi Macgumerait, I and many others in the Glasgow meet-up go to aspie socials regularly and meet new aspies all the time.

The idea of the Glasgow meet-up originated from a Aspie Village Edinburgh meet-up in June and subsequent online correspondence with members of that forum about a Glasgow meet-up. The forum recently closed down, but I’ve been keeping support for the idea going on other forums and by e-mail.

There will be about seven aspies meeting at Borders Book Café on Saturday 8th August, about three others are expected to join a little later. I personally know about half the aspies who come from Edinburgh and the east coast, some of the others I’ve met briefly at the Edinburgh meet-up or have corresponded with on other forums.

You’re welcome to come along and stay as long as you feel comfortable and leave if you feel things getting a bit stressful and no one would be bothered. If you’re still interested and want to ask more questions, feel free to do so.


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06 Aug 2009, 7:32 pm

Welcome to WP

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07 Aug 2009, 6:14 pm

Hello geedee, I hope your meeting with fellow aspies goes well tomorrow, welcome to WP :D

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09 Aug 2009, 5:58 am

Five aspies from the east coast met six from the west for the Glasgow meet-up.

We visited the Botanics – which was relaxing and fun – then went to Oran Mor beer garden – a church in an earlier reincarnation – for some drinks and snacks. We went to see the Edvard Munch exhibition in the Hunterian Art Gallery. The prints of the tormented Norwegian artist produced mixed responses. We looked round the University of Glasgow and the attractive view down onto Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum – where we headed shortly afterwards.

We left the west end and walked back into town through Kelvingrove Park. We had a good pub meal at O’Neills in Sauchiehall Street and further liquid refreshments at the arty Centre for Contemporary Arts. From about 7.45 to 8.30pm, we made our farewells and parted to head home.

From comments I’ve received so far, the meet-up went well was a good day out.


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09 Aug 2009, 6:53 am

Hi, geedee. I hope you'll feel at home here.

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13 Aug 2009, 5:40 pm

The Glasgow meet-up on 8th August attracted 11 aspies on the day from the east and west coast of Scotland. It went really well. I think the Munch exhibition and the carnivorous plants at the Botanic Gardens were the highlights.

The next meet-up is in Stirling on Saturday 10th October at Stirling Train Station Cafe/Bar from 10am to 10.15pm. Already, 12 apies from around Scotland will be attending. But aspies from anywhere are welcome to attend. We're a experienced bunch in the ways and presentations of aspies, so don't feel worried if you're a newbie.

If you'd like to know more, please PM me.