I dont know if i did one of these already, but f**k it i like the attention.
Alright? Im James. Im 13 as stated near my pic somewhere, im from England, and the numerous trivial details which are uneccesary yet used anyway.
Im funny (apparantly), Im Bad lookin (top put it nicely), im good at some things but i always get in trouble for doing them. Mainly because its theft, vandalism and physical assault but still, Its a useful asset.
Some people dont understand the words i use in real life, so i will explain them here.
Safe:- Respect
Aight:- Alright?/you alright?
What you at:- what you up to.
theres more but i really cant be assed to deal with them now.
More importantly, my reasons for continuin this prize hell of my life.
Im tryin to change my public image. I used to fight and Switch (Switch:- flip As in "Get angry") all the time and now some people are frightened, some people beg to fight me, yadada, sob story. Anyways, im tryin to be nicer, (and look better) althought the one in brackets is impossible.
So what you boys and girls got for me?
"He Who Asks Is A Fool For 5 Minutes, But He Who Does Not Ask Is A Fool Forever" "live well. its the greatest revenge". my sig is random quotes!