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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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19 Sep 2009, 12:34 pm

Hello I am Sam, I am 15 and I am a boy. Currently I am going through the process of getting diagnosed with having Aspergus (at the very least a NeuroATypical disorder) as apprently I have strong similiaraties, behaviours and "symptons" (in the loosest sense of the word) to those with Aspergus.

Where to start really. I've had a phychologist for a year or so now because I used to have extremely bad depression and Social Anxiety (The depressions cleared up a bit as I've started to understand myself a bit more). I have extreme interests and obsessions and strengths. The big 3 being

1) Reading-I love to read. I've been known to read up to 3 large books in a week and I've always had a higher than average level of reading. I just love the fact that when you read its like a whole new world and I can forget about all my worries and reality and stuff. To put it simply I love reading. From non fiction to fiction, Sci Fi and thrillers I Love it all. My top 3 books would have to be
I-Confederacy of Dunces, John Kennedy Toole
II-Kissing the rain, Kevin Brooks
III-All Ears, Michael Holden

2) History- I've always liked and been fascinated by history (And the fact I'm good at it counts). I love learning facts and figures and hearing about the different people who used to live in history. My specific history topics change though (on an almost regular basis). Sometimes I'm obsessed by learning about the Nazi Party, SS, SA, Werhmacht, Gestapo and others time I'm obssesed by Feudal Age Britain (Celts, Saxons etc). I'm currently doing it as a GCSE and plan on doing it for A-Level as well

3) Video Games- I just love the fact that when it comes to video games YOU are in control. Its just so great that you can control your life (literally) with the touch of a button. I specifically like GTA IV. It has an enthralling story line and characters along with excellent gameplay. I can't wait till the second DLC "the ballad of gay tony" comes out in October (definitely be racking a few hours up on that).

Unfortunately with all the good things there are some bad (apart from the fact that I'm seen as the school nerd/freak and get bullied alot).
I have and have always had EXTREME difficulties in social situations. I hate looking people in the eye and I much prefer to be on my own. Its gotten to the point where if someones even at the front door I have to go to a different room. Im turning into a total recluse. Naturally this makes school extremely hard. Linking on from the social awkardness I have extreme difficulties in places with lots of people. I'm also apparently Extremely sensitive to sound, smell, taste and touch and I have higher than average receptors in all these areas. I also have a condition called Synesthesia (something which up until a few weeks ago I thought everyone had) and have a much larger than normal area of personal space. I also hate being touched BY ANYONE except for my mother on some occaisons. The first (and only might I add) time I kissed a girl I almost threw up afterwards (I know this sounds horrible and she was perfectly nice it's jsut I wasn't expecting it and I HATE being touched). Look at me..rambling here. Sorry if I come across as a bit weird, odd, awkard its just Im bad at communicating to people. Especially about my emotions and stuff. I'm gonna stop here as I don't want to tell you my life story (And Im sure you dont want to read it) but what I basically want to sum up and say is I'm Sam..and I'm new :)
Thanks for reading.


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19 Sep 2009, 3:32 pm

Welcome to WP!

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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19 Sep 2009, 3:34 pm

Tim_Tex wrote:
Welcome to WP!

Thankyou :)


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19 Sep 2009, 5:07 pm

hi sam! velkommen. thanks for sharing. ever read his dark materials series? it's fantasy. maybe not something you're interested in, but a movie came out a year or so ago called the golden compass, and that was based on the first book of the same name. do you like playing rpgs? ooh i love going on rampages in gta! i've got the most ridiculous ones! little damage but staying alive for hours... while the feds were after me... love seeing those 'copters!! and screaming people... bwahahaha. ok, that's enough. :)


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19 Sep 2009, 5:22 pm

Welcome to the Wrong Planet neighborhood, Sam.

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20 Sep 2009, 8:03 am

AphexSam wrote:

1) Reading-I love to read. I've been known to read up to 3 large books in a week and I've always had a higher than average level of reading. I just love the fact that when you read its like a whole new world and I can forget about all my worries and reality and stuff. To put it simply I love reading. From non fiction to fiction, Sci Fi and thrillers I Love it all. My top 3 books would have to be
I-Confederacy of Dunces, John Kennedy Toole
II-Kissing the rain, Kevin Brooks
III-All Ears, Michael Holden

2) History- I've always liked and been fascinated by history (And the fact I'm good at it counts). I love learning facts and figures and hearing about the different people who used to live in history. My specific history topics change though (on an almost regular basis). Sometimes I'm obsessed by learning about the Nazi Party, SS, SA, Werhmacht, Gestapo and others time I'm obssesed by Feudal Age Britain (Celts, Saxons etc). I'm currently doing it as a GCSE and plan on doing it for A-Level as well

3) Video Games- I just love the fact that when it comes to video games YOU are in control. Its just so great that you can control your life (literally) with the touch of a button. I specifically like GTA IV. It has an enthralling story line and characters along with excellent gameplay. I can't wait till the second DLC "the ballad of gay tony" comes out in October (definitely be racking a few hours up on that).


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20 Sep 2009, 5:32 pm

To WrongPlanet!! !Image

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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24 Sep 2009, 1:54 pm

Thank you for being so kind. I was worried what reaction I would get when I posted the message :).


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26 Sep 2009, 9:59 am

AphexSam wrote:
Thank you for being so kind. I was worried what reaction I would get when I posted the message :).

goodluck for the diagnosis! :wink:

?We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.?


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26 Sep 2009, 10:19 pm

Welcome Sam,

Reading is a great interest to have. Do you ever combine it with your history interest and read historical fiction? Have you read anything related to feudal Britain by Rosemary Sutcliff or Henry Treese?


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27 Sep 2009, 5:54 pm

A Confederacy of Dunces is a great book! I think Ignatius J. Reilly must have Asperger's++.

I had to read that first scene in the movie theater about 20 times before I could get past it without laughing my head off.

And in his honor, I sometimes shout "FILTH!" if someone makes a risque joke or says something racy. :D

Did you know there is a bronze statue of him in New Orleans?
