curious that i've been thinking the same for the past couple days, and i joined here a week ago. i never knew any aspie, and this is my first time contacting with some. but i guess i came to the conclusion that we can learn from both... we can learn a lot trying to be more social or to create more social emotional empathy outside and with other aspies as well. i've been learning a lot here to be honest and it has been very helpful. now it only depends on how you can manage all the information, like you do outside.
i'm gonna post now a proposal, a positive one i think. and i guess that this website as lots of potential for us to help ourselves. just being more positive and learn from where you find helpful and useful to learn. i have it diagnosed since some years ago, but never faced it before, always ignored that, and here i found very positive tips reading some articles and discussions. in fact, i became much more aware, awake and relaxed facing it and using some of what i learned here.
welcome to WP