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08 Sep 2009, 2:20 pm

Lurker, crawling out of the woodwork...

Female, English, self-dx'ed as being somewhere on the spectrum. Thought about trying for a 'real' diagnosis but am considering cancelling the psychiatrist's appointment I've got booked - since if I DO get diagnosed with something, the DVLA are entitled to take away my driving licence. :? Don't much fancy that (or the thought of the insurance premiums if I even got to keep my licence!).

Mind you, the way the NHS mental health care system seems to work, I've got nothing to worry about. The doc will have never even heard of adults being diagnosed with autism, will ignore my protestations and sheafs of literature, and I'll get diagnosed with 'anxiety' and prescribed 5mg citalopram. Watch this space. ;)

Anyway, 'nice to meet you' in advance!


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08 Sep 2009, 2:22 pm

Welcome to WP!

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08 Sep 2009, 2:24 pm

Hi, welcome. It seems strange that your license would be taken away solely based on your diagnosis. I mean, I am unable to drive and ineligible for a license, but that's cause I'm blind. Asperger's by itself doesn't prevent one from being a competent driver.

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08 Sep 2009, 2:26 pm

To WrongPlanet!! !Image

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08 Sep 2009, 2:43 pm

Hello, greetings, and welcome from across the Pond.

As for driving, I have a license but am uncomfortable driving. I avoid it when possible, and spent most of my adult life not doing it, though now I have a car and with effort manage to drive 100 miles per month (this figure derived as a target minimum necessary to keep my battery charged).


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08 Sep 2009, 2:45 pm

ChangelingGirl wrote:
Hi, welcome. It seems strange that your license would be taken away solely based on your diagnosis. I mean, I am unable to drive and ineligible for a license, but that's cause I'm blind. Asperger's by itself doesn't prevent one from being a competent driver.

To be honest, it had never occurred to me until my Dad mentioned it one day that it could even potentially be seen as a problem. I've got a friend with an ASD and she didn't realise she had to inform the DVLA/her insurance company either until I told her. It doesn't mean they'll automatically take my licence away - there's a medical questionnaire that needs to be filled in, and then they might ask the doctor to provide a statement, or ask that I'm seen by one of their 'medical advisers' to judge whether I'm fit to drive. All a bit of a pain. It'd probably be fine, but I don't like taking risks.


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08 Sep 2009, 3:51 pm

It definitely doesn't affect your motoring skills.


Definitely doesn't affect your motoring skills.

I'm an excellent driver.




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08 Sep 2009, 4:01 pm

Willard wrote:
It definitely doesn't affect your motoring skills.


Definitely doesn't affect your motoring skills.

I'm an excellent driver.



Heheheh. It's okay, there's several miles of water between us. I think I'm safe!

The thing I'm most worried about is that one day I'll start flapping my hands at a traffic light and the driver behind will think I'm making obscene gestures at him...! :roll:


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08 Sep 2009, 9:18 pm


As for getting a diagnosis; unless you see any real reson for it, it's probably not worth the time.

As for psychiatrists; they're not required to have any psychology training so, not the people to go to for AS therapy. A clinical psychologist who understands the autistic spectrum would be a much better choice.

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08 Sep 2009, 9:48 pm

Greetings, Terpsikhore, and welcome to the WP community.

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09 Sep 2009, 7:31 am

Yeah, welcome aboard.

I'm diagnosed, and the closest I've come to losing my licence yet was almost failing a sight test. Well, actually, I failed it, but the pair of not much used glasses in my bag came to the rescue. I blame the diabetes for that, not the aspergers.


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10 Sep 2009, 2:57 am

Ah, well then, at least one group not in denial about having "the gift" is us Aspies here!

You can take that psych person and give them a piece of your mind and don't back down. I and probably a lot others here will back you on this. The world tries to sweep this issue under the rug any chance they get but it's time for that to STOP!


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10 Sep 2009, 6:32 am

Hi Terpsikhore!! :cheers:

?We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.?