I've posted a little bit earlier this year and then stopped. And then took this online Aspie Quiz at www.rdos.net/eng/Aspie-quiz.php or just google Aspie Quiz, (in case you're interested)
and scored 176 out of 200 so I thought I would come back on to wrong planet and say hello. (Hopefuly I have not posted in the hello thead some months ago. I don't think so, but in case I did: Hello there again and thank you.)
I have not been diagnosed with Asperger's formally. I've only taken the test, scored pretty high and read about it. It sounded like a description of me right away as I have a lot of problems socially and have never been able to communicate effectively enough or for long enough periods to sustain long relationships. I have a few (long distance) friends. I have a lot of problems at work, believe me. They don't get me at all.
Anyways, I might like to go for a formal diagnosis, but I'm not sure what this might entail. If anyone could tell me what questions I should be prepared to ask a psychologist (and should I ask for a certain type of psychologist) and what I should expect if I go in for an office visit, I would appreciate that very much. Thanks from the wrong side of nowhere!