Have you ever just looked around yourself and felt like you were suddenly less significant..., Maby you just went outside to look at something and then looked up at the sky without reason and noticed that you are just a speck on this vast world. When you look around, what do you notice..., do you begin to feel small and insignificant... or, do you feel as though you are trapped and want to be able to be free from the everyday life that surrounds you.
Do you get lost in deep thoughts such as these and begin to feel distant and drifting away from friends and family, or can you keep yourself, your social links, attached to reality.
This is my struggle, my way of life for many years. I know that to some this may sound dark or seen as depressing, but it is not meant to be. I know there are some of you who may feel the same, but if you truly think like this, have you evet realized that no one will ever fully feel exactly like you do no matter how similar they may be.
This is who I am... at least now. I am not socialy outcast and have through school been friends with almost everyone at one point. I am not popular or funny, yet quiet, silent (not shy), yet people, no matter how hard I try, want to be near me, even though I push them away to avoid influence of any kind. I try to isolate myself as I feel as though I need to find who I really am, but when those close to me, or those who I once called friends, approach me dispite my obvious isolation, I begin to realize that none of them think this hard.
This is my welcoming to those who feel relative and to any who find my thoughs interesting; This is my welcome to my mind.