and greetings! Me? I'm the off beat, single mama of three awesome girls. My middle daughter was diagnosed after great struggle at the age of 9. Her diagnosis is Exceptionally gifted, learning disability, aspergers syndrome. I believe that my youngest is also on the spectrum, but am still mustering up the strength to face this same process with her. Some days I also think that I maybe aspergers, but either way, I can't see a diagnosis being of any assistance to me at my age. I do have a diagnosis of LD and have a fairly severe case of prosopagnosia (face blindness). My aspie daughter is one of the greatest gifts that I have been given. She has taught me so many things, the hardest of which is how to love and be loved by her with out hugs, kisses or the words I love you! While the broad based education system is a great struggle for her, I believe her to be one of the most brilliant people that I have ever met!