Hey all. Been contemplating posting for a while now but didn't really feel up to it until today. I think the forum is great and I've really been learning a lot reading many older posts (got a bit obsessive about it, but you know how it is! )
Finding out about AS really helped put a lot of things into perspective for me, many things in my life which didn't seem to make sense before now do and I'm really thankful that there are others out there who understand what it is to be like this.
I guess I've always been sort of an odd duck, my family never really understood me but then again neither did anyone else! I have a handful of friends who seem to tolerate my eccentricities and help to keep me "grounded" so to speak, but most think I'm ODD. I have a weird sense of humor (love British humor/Monty Python-esque kinda stuff) and tend to lean toward the nerdier end of things (like anime, scifi, gaming) but at the same time I love going to shows (smaller ones, esp. indie/garage rock mostly) and hanging out discussing, well, pretty much anything. And watching movies, esp. the weirder stuff.
Regardless, I tend to find it hard to relate to anyone not into the things I'm into, and sometimes being social can be very draining. I'm lucky in that I have a job that doesn't require me to deal with the public much, but oftentimes I find that family can be the worst. I live on my own and have for a while now, but I often run into difficulties with overbearing, controlling relatives who really know how to push my buttons. They never think I'm applying myself, always try to compare me to my NT brother, nag me to take the civil service exam, want to know when I'll "make something of myself", etc. Not to mention trying to ram their religious views down my throat at every opportunity. Seinfeld wasn't kidding when he talked about needing that "buffer zone"!
So, yeah, that's me (the cliff notes version).