Hi everyone, well I'm here because I have suspicions of myself being on the spectrum. First I thought I had social anxiety, but then it seems to come from me not understanding other people. I tend to be thinking to myself alot, I don't really do friendly conversations, or I'm not that comfortable with them. I can't tell if its going well or not. I spend alot of my time by myself. I have low self esteem, having suicidal thoughts, I have always felt jilted around other people.
Alot of this has only recently come to my attention because I went to uni, but left because I was extremely stressed (dear lord it was terrible) and not eating properly there. I've only just come to consider who I am compared to other people. I'm 20, have a part time job, never had a girlfriend, only ever had like 1 person I've considered a friend (however its come to my attention that most people have a different perspective on what friends are, its people you generally know, talk to, and are on good terms, in which case I've had a few friends). I've realised my inability to negotiate around other people, how to handle them or how to consider them.
I do enjoy my own company (as somebody as said to me), I've been described as a loner( I detest the word). Smart, yet dumb... because of my academic success. I get the feeling people don't know how to take me.
As for obsessive interests, I do get attatched to certain things, like movies and games, I can watch them over and over. For example metal gear solid on the playstation, I still have it and still enjoy playing it, the feeling is like being comfortable with the familiarity and enjoying the details. I really liked philosophy (I mean like a hyper exstatic feeling) at college and enjoy reflecting upon things in general. I was told I'm very analytical
sensory stuff, I'm sure I use to flap my hands because I liked the sensation when I was a kid. I remember being told off by my brother for looking at the ground whilst walking (I enjoyed looking at the patterns I suppose) I still do I think. The thing is I don't realise what I do seems odd to other people. Like, I think now that I have stared at a few people, but thats just me looking and reflecting of a feature on a persons face. I was supposed to be uncontrolable as a baby and was almost prescribed vallium.