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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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08 Nov 2009, 5:41 pm

Hello, My name is James and yeah, Here I am :)

Well to start off I am 16 - Having been diagonised since I was about 3/4/5, Can never remember precisely. And have of recent I've decided that I don't really pay enougth attention to my aspergers and I hardly know anyone with it, Even if there are people I think have it :lol: , to stay around here a bit and get to know a bit more about myself and hopfully people with asperger's as I've not really had any contact with any diagosised aspergeric's in a good six years.

My interests are countless of course :) But tend to be very on and off. They are drawing; guitar; rugby; badminton; maths(somewhat) and literture(Sci-fi mostly but I'm starting to prefer 'Classics' these days), And I have had a developing interest in Russian history for some time. I also have an interest in Cookie Monster in general but not Sesame street and can do a crackin' impression of Cookie Monster :) I also loved Ostriches and Meerkat's but as for knowledge, Have a lack-of - They just look awesome! :)
I also write poetry but detest reading it for various reasons, I find the thrill is taking time and getting your idea's in a rhyme that is easily communicated. The easy communcation bit surprisngly is also why I hate reading it, I find it too quick to read and can't get interested in the author. I have tried with a few but it just doesn't appeal to me.

Ohh and I also don't watch tv a lot, I was wondering if other aspergic's found this somewhat.

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08 Nov 2009, 6:53 pm

To WrongPlanet!! !Image

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08 Nov 2009, 7:15 pm

Welcome greetings to the Wrong Planet neighborhood, James.

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08 Nov 2009, 7:30 pm

Welcome, James!

I began looking for someone like me when I was five ...
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08 Nov 2009, 7:48 pm



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08 Nov 2009, 8:17 pm

Welcome to WP!

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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10 Nov 2009, 3:34 pm

Hey :) Thanks for the welcoming's :)
Can anyone tell me what NT means by the way? I'm guessing it's an another syndrome or something, But can someone explain it as well as I probably won't know anything about it?


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10 Nov 2009, 6:44 pm

A1-James wrote:
Hey :) Thanks for the welcoming's :)
Can anyone tell me what NT means by the way? I'm guessing it's an another syndrome or something, But can someone explain it as well as I probably won't know anything about it?

Au contraire, my friend. NT (abbreviation for neurotypical) isn't another syndrome, but rather the lack of. In other words, NT = normal person without any major psychological condition, your normal John and Jane. Capiche?

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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12 Nov 2009, 3:48 pm

Roxas_XIII wrote:
A1-James wrote:
Hey :) Thanks for the welcoming's :)
Can anyone tell me what NT means by the way? I'm guessing it's an another syndrome or something, But can someone explain it as well as I probably won't know anything about it?

Au contraire, my friend. NT (abbreviation for neurotypical) isn't another syndrome, but rather the lack of. In other words, NT = normal person without any major psychological condition, your normal John and Jane. Capiche?

Thanks. Understood. Haha a very wierd mistake to make now I look at it and rather amusing.


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13 Nov 2009, 1:04 am

Hey, no problem. To be honest, though, a lot of people here would probably think you are right, that NT is a condition in itself, with symptoms manifesting as discrimination, ignorance, and general all around head-up-butt-edness. Course, not all of them are like that, but that's the way things are.

Anywho, welcome and hope you enjoy it here.

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