Hi everyone,
I won't boldly claim that I have Asperger, because I don't know. What I do know 100% is that everything on these forums is PAINFULLY FAMILIAR.
I'm a 32 year old male, and my childhood and adolescence was summed up near-perfectly by the movie "Adam".
I remember crushing on a girl in 5th grade, coming up to her and asking if she wants to talk about ... calculators later. She smiled mysteriously and said "sure" and then we met under the stairs later, and I watched the smile slowly disappear from her face as I droned on about goddamn programmable calculators.
I've had dozens upon dozens similar episodes. I was extremely trusting, and inappropriately blunt. I had extreme social anxiety, because my brain only understood rigid sets of rules, and those rules kept constantly changing, I couldn't keep up and I couldn't be spontaneous.
I was always learning about humans, imitating behaviors, absorbing.
When I lived alone, like Adam, my fridge was stacked with MACARONI AND CHEESE. That movie is eerie. I was physically clumsy for the longest time as well. I walked unnaturally, had over- or under-exaggerated hand gestures, my tone of voice mismatched the context.
I've managed to "upgrade" past much of this stuff, but the core remains. I have "very narrow range of interests" - videogame design and traditional martial arts. I've become a much better actor around what you call "neurotypicals" - I no longer collapse into myself, but expand forward in "extrovertive surges" - but I'm still acting.
WHATEVER I may be... I am not a neurotypical. I wake up every day feeling that I was born on the wrong planet, or about 10 centuries ahead of schedule.
I kept trying to find who I am... MBTI INFJ ? HSP ? But those seemed to be hit-and-miss. These forums appear to be a closer match than anything I've found before.
Thanks for bearing with the long letter, and have a Happy New Year