Hi all.
I've not been diagnosed and I'm not yet sure I want to be, but having read extensively on AS and passed (is that the right word?) the online-tests I have just about convinced myself I am an Aspie, so here I am.
At 36 years old I feel I'm an absolute failure socially, which is the main reason I started looking into AS when I heard about it. I never had many friends in school, college or university, and I soon lost touch with those I did have when I moved beyond each institution. And now as an adult I have only "workmates", no close friends. If I didn't work I would probably have no non-essential contact with people outside my immediate family at all. In fact I suppose work is essential contact, so I guess I do have no non-essential contact at all.
Hopefully I will be able to relate better to the people in this community and maybe that will be enough to build some better relationships, so I look forward to getting to know some of you.

Doctor: "The Knack. It's a rare condition characterized by an extreme intuition about all things mechanical and electrical ... and utter social ineptitude."
- from Scott Adam's Dilbert cartoon