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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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23 Feb 2010, 2:44 pm

So I'm 27 years old and just today my dad told me that as a child they learned I had ASD. They never told me because they didn't want me to use it for an excuse, and for that I'm actually pretty glad. I've had to work really hard at what I just figured were personality quirks and have overcome a lot.

My biggest continual issue is that I can't help but say what I feel and in doing so am far too blunt, lacking any semblance of tact. People think I'm an as*hole when it's absolutely not my intention. Ironically though I'm far more comfortable in a public setting if I'm in absolute control of a conversation, be it selling a car or chastising one of my soldiers. When I'm not in control of the conversation or get put on the spot, all the words jumble and the ones I end up choosing tend to be offensive (if they're even intelligible).

It's very difficult for me to make friends because I'm a jerk, intended or not, so thankfully the few friends I have made know me and don't get offended anymore.

I read the wikipedia article and saw there was a forum for "aspies" so thought I'd say hi. It's nice to know that there are people out there who must know how I feel.


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23 Feb 2010, 3:33 pm

welcome aboard, im new here too just joined friday


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23 Feb 2010, 5:11 pm


My six year old daughter very likely has Asperger's (we'll know for sure next month when all the evaluations are done). She is also very blunt. The other day she came running into the house after having gone to visit a friend of our family's and told me "well, he's not going to live too long," before my wife could tell me anything.

I know that I have missed loads of social cues in the past, and I am, technically, NT.



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23 Feb 2010, 5:13 pm

Welcome to WrongPlanet, where you can be yourself. :)

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24 Feb 2010, 10:40 am

Welcome to WP!

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24 Feb 2010, 3:43 pm

Welcome to WP!


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24 Feb 2010, 4:30 pm

Hello Ajuad, welcome, enjoy your stay on the Wrong Planet!

1975, ASD: Asperger's Syndrome (diagnosed: October 22, 2009)

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24 Feb 2010, 8:27 pm

To WrongPlanet!! !Image

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24 Feb 2010, 9:26 pm

Welcome, Ajuad. I say things that come off weird sometimes, too. I don't mean to - it just happens when people are just too much - like you said, being put on the spot. Hope you enjoy it here, like CockneyRebel said, where you can be yourself :)


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24 Feb 2010, 10:32 pm

Ajuad wrote:
So I'm 27 years old and just today my dad told me that as a child they learned I had ASD. They never told me because they didn't want me to use it for an excuse, and for that I'm actually pretty glad. I've had to work really hard at what I just figured were personality quirks and have overcome a lot.

My biggest continual issue is that I can't help but say what I feel and in doing so am far too blunt, lacking any semblance of tact. People think I'm an as*hole when it's absolutely not my intention. Ironically though I'm far more comfortable in a public setting if I'm in absolute control of a conversation, be it selling a car or chastising one of my soldiers. When I'm not in control of the conversation or get put on the spot, all the words jumble and the ones I end up choosing tend to be offensive (if they're even intelligible).

It's very difficult for me to make friends because I'm a jerk, intended or not, so thankfully the few friends I have made know me and don't get offended anymore.

I read the wikipedia article and saw there was a forum for "aspies" so thought I'd say hi. It's nice to know that there are people out there who must know how I feel.

Hi, and welcome to, Ajuad! I think those of us that didn't learn until later about our AS are very lucky we got to understand ourselves, first. I am pretty much a jerk, too, when it comes to people, it always starts out so well, but then it always seems to sour when they realize I am always skating on thin ice, socially. :roll: I get short with people because I think that language is informational only. I forget that people want to just socialize and bond.
Wrong Planet was the first place I came, too. Wikipedia, I think, anyway, it was years ago and I am still hanging out, learning all about AS and me.
and greeting people like you! Welcome home!


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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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24 Feb 2010, 11:12 pm

Wow, what a welcome committee. Thanks everyone.


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25 Feb 2010, 1:10 am

it gets better!


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25 Feb 2010, 1:26 am

Ajuad wrote:
So I'm 27 years old and just today my dad told me that as a child they learned I had ASD. They never told me because they didn't want me to use it for an excuse, and for that I'm actually pretty glad. I've had to work really hard at what I just figured were personality quirks and have overcome a lot.

Hello Ajuad and welcome home.

I'm really encouraged that you are at peace with not being told about your ASD earlier and with your clear gratitude for the not knowing.

I was 'evaluated' when I was 6 for being a problem child.

AS hadn't been recognised at the time. They tested my IQ which was just inside the 98th percentile. My 'problems' were explained as being due to boredom. (There is actually a lot of truth in that statement but that was more due to accident than design).

I recently asked my mother whether Autism was even mentioned in my diagnosis and it seems it wasn't.

Thanks for sharing

Now then, tell me. What did Miggs say to you? Multiple Miggs in the next cell. He hissed at you. What did he say?

Emu Egg
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25 Feb 2010, 2:07 am

That's me to a T. I was an awful child. Rebellious, disobedient, the works. I don't think I was born with the natural conscience that most people are born with. I don't tend to feel bad about things until somebody mentions I'm supposed to feel bad about it. I was a kleptomaniac. Never because I wanted what I stole, but strictly because it was a challenge. There were many times I'd even take the stuff back because I had no use for it. I had no compunctions about doing it (or just about anything for that matter)...ever. The worst part is that even now as an adult I don't steal because it's wrong or because of guilt, but rather because if I'm caught I don't want to deal with the hassle. That's the same reason I don't throw bowling balls at cars anymore, shoot paintballs at dogs, or any of a 100 other AWFUL things I did as a kid. I look back and know that those things were bad, but as a kid the challenge was far more appealing than any guilt I may have had to fake if I was caught.

I was a "gifted" child, scoring better than 1400 on the SATs while in middle school, but I was bored. I was absolutely merciless when it came to learning about topics that challenged me. I was always up to a challenge. But NOBODY was going to make me do busy work for stuff I already knew. I graduated high school with a 1.6 GPA because I found fishing far more appealing than sleeping through classes that offered me nothing intellectually.

As I grew older and matured I spent a lot of time learning discipline, and for that the Army was good for me. But it always seemed that no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't help but say the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong people. Always unintentionally, but at least I was consistent if nothing else.

It's definitely refreshing to know there's a reason. I have to be careful to not use it as an excuse though, now that I know.


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25 Feb 2010, 8:54 am

It's definitely refreshing to know there's a reason. I have to be careful to not use it as an excuse though, now that I know.

aye! there is the rub, isn't it? When I found out (in my late 50's) I was all too quick to simply point to my new diagnosis and sigh. But reading the stories of so many younger people that have always known and how they handle it made me stop that too obvious and way too easy way out.


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