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02 Mar 2010, 5:34 pm

Hi I'm Ree I'm new to WrongPlanet and I would love to know what quirky thing other Aspie do. some of mine are:

I nod my head up and down and count to the number 4 over and over again while I what T.V.

I always have to be holding something when I talk to people

My Girlfriend all way knows when I had a particularly bad Aspie day when she come home and finds me curled up under my blanket lay ridicusley to close to the fan hiding from every thing.

I'm so anxious to talk to people that I never start a conversation. I have three really good friends who know what I'm about and they totally understand and know that if I haven't called them in like two week that they should just come over and make me hang out because I'm to scared to call them and I really do love being with them.


I would love to know I'm not the only one doing these thing.Please let me know what your about because the NT I talk to say that these thing are because I have asperger and that i'm not normal. yet while growing up and even now I never really thought that these thing and many other thing I do were odd or not normal. Even when I didn't want to play with the other children because I thought they were stupid and wired for wanting to play house and run around I thought they were the not normal ones not I. but ever one tells me it's the other way around. So please let me in on your Aspie quirks.

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02 Mar 2010, 6:11 pm

hi Ree! Welcome to WP!

Well, first, I think the idea of normal is subjective and the things you mentioned sound normal to me. But, maybe in the grand scheme of things I'm not normal....hopefully. :)

I count to the number 4 over and over again as I take steps - for me, that's part of OCD. I rock in my bed and flutter my fingers and flap my hands (though I didn't know it was called that until people helped me on a thread just yesterday :) )

I use a fan (an airfilter, but same sound), too, to block out sounds. It's good to go in my room and recover from too much stimulation. I have to go lie down when overstimulated.

I have one good friend who doesn't worry if I don't call him - because I rarely call anyone. And he comes around sometimes - sounds similar to yours. Though, I am not afraid to call people, just usually too absorbed in things. Though I can be scared to answer the phone or door.

I have texture things, too. Usually things are too much to touch.

Others here have mentioned similar things, too. So, I think you'll find good company :)

Also, if you don't see a current thread about a question, you can search for older ones - I've found that helpful.


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03 Mar 2010, 2:05 am

Welcome to WrongPlanet. :)

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03 Mar 2010, 5:38 am

I have texture issues, too. I can't stand denim. I can't stand poly/cotton blends. I need my bedsheets to be 300 thread count or higher.

I have to wear an undershirt/vest under every shirt.


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03 Mar 2010, 11:52 am

Texture issues here too, especially denim. Bright light, too much going on around me, crowds (which to me is more than 4-5 people) unless there is something between me and the others so I have lots of open space between them and me. Don't like being touched unless I really know and trust the person..not even shaking hands. The feel of being touched gives me a weird sensation that I can't describe. When I'm stressed, I rock a little and hit myself in the head. Can't do sustained eye contact unless the other person is about to get hurt. Had many people say when they saw me making eye contact with someone the intensity scared them and the one who I made the eye contact with. "The look of death" they called it.
I have to have a TV on for the background noise. It's steady and predictable and blots out sounds that are not predictable. Changing plans suddenly really screws with me. Has to be planned out and expected.
Patterns on things catch my attention and is very distracting. I can be in the middle of something and if my eye catches a pattern or rythm in something, I get lost in it. When I get my meds from the pharmacy, if a bottle is just a couple pills short, I notice it immediately. If something in my house is moved even slightly, it stands out like a beacon. Misspelled words..which I do myself also..stands out to me (even if I can't spell them either)..that one's really weird, just something about them tells me they are wrong.

Shize, no wonder I'm viewed as an alien. 8O


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03 Mar 2010, 3:12 pm

Welcome to WP!

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03 Mar 2010, 3:26 pm

To WrongPlanet!! !Image

I too have a bunch of sensory issues and co-morbid conditions.

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03 Mar 2010, 5:59 pm

Hello Ree, welcome, enjoy your stay on the Wrong Planet!

1975, ASD: Asperger's Syndrome (diagnosed: October 22, 2009)

Interests: science, experimental psychology, psychophysics, music (listening and playing (guitar)) and visual arts

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03 Mar 2010, 7:15 pm

I often have a word or short phrase that I'm constantly saying to myself in my head. Often these words are rude. Like for example I read about someone who said 'I'm a country member' in the Canadian parliament then some other MP guy said 'I remember', and for days I just kept saying 'I'm a country member' to myself in my head. As for saying things to other people forget it, my heart explodes and I run away from all social contact.


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04 Mar 2010, 8:29 am

i tap my fingers in time to a melody playing in my head and swing my feet. i stretch in class. i get very annoyed every time my parents knock on my door. i also have a strong aversion to crowds and rock music. i can't stand shrill voices on the radio and husky voices. i prefer "pure" bell-like singing. I need classical music to calm down.


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04 Mar 2010, 5:26 pm

Mickalangelo wrote:
Texture issues here too, especially denim. Bright light, too much going on around me...

Don't like being touched unless I really know and trust the person..not even shaking hands. The feel of being touched gives me a weird sensation that I can't describe.

I forgot to mention these. I absolutely do not like bright light. The brightest light in my bedroom is 40 watts, unless I need a little more for reading.

Touching is another oddity. I've managed to quell visible reactions to handshakes at this point in my life, but I don't really like them. I really only put up with being touched by people I know well, and sometimes not even then. Even a hug from my mother is sometimes too much to handle.

Thankfully, my physical stims are mostly office appropriate. I tap my feet or drum my fingers. Sometimes, if I've just dealt with a crowd in a brightly lit place and been jostled about by a crowd, rocking is inevitable.


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04 Mar 2010, 10:20 pm

I ran in circles as a kid, but as I have grown older I have curbed it. I will revert when I am stressed and need to "get away" but I do it in my bedroom where no one sees. I have a "blankie" and I get mad at my daughter when she wants to use it -she has her own! I also get phrases and words stuck in my head- I hate that because I have better things to think about.

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04 Mar 2010, 10:55 pm

I listen to and dress like The Kinks.

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04 Mar 2010, 11:07 pm

Welcome to the right side of the wrong planet.

texture: cannot stand velvet
habits: stare off into space when bored (usually ignoring everything else), obsessed with playing strategy oriented games (with a few exceptions), random topic obsessions (usually pops up when i get some thought or idea randomly hitting me, then i intentionally burn myself out on it), and some other random stuff that pops up unexpectedly.
"humorous" sensory issues: if someone is doing two things at once (ie talking to me while, say, filling a drink), it gives me this odd "brain tickle" that makes me laugh.