I;m Mick, an artist and an Aspie. I've never admitted this to anyone, not even my family. When I was in school, a school counselor suggested it to my father and said I should be in special ed. He went ballistic both on her and on me. She was never allowed to tell anyone and neither was I. From that point on, I was the "ret*d" and beat regularly, always under threat of being shot because he "wasn't going to have no ret*d as a son". This made me bury who I am. 2 psychologists since then have also said I have Aspergers and the mention of it made me recoil with the flashbacks. I'm 48 years old and had problems all my life due to this. Making friends, keeping friends, being around people, too much going on around me freaks me out. I hit myself a lot repetedly in the head and much more that I see you all deal with. I'm so tired of trying to pretend to be normal and hiding from people so they don't find out or figure it out. They just think I'm a total weirdo and being an artist helps in that area. I live in the dark because light bothers me, wearing normal clothes like jeans and shoes feel strange on my skin so I wear pj's and socks all the time.
The psycologists suggested I join a support group many times but the flashbacks kept me in total denial. These beatings were very severe and very memorable. Talking of it now is bringing them back and the hurt of being so disposable to my father and friends throught my life.
I've been reading a lot here since I stumbled upon this site and finally feel like there may be some people who can understand and this feels good. I live alone with my dog, don't go out much at all. I live in a tiny town where everyone is related (except me) where I made a huge mistake in buying a house. I thought maybe a small town might be a little more accepting of someone like me but in reality, it's quite the opposite so I've created my own little world in my house. I was married once but it didn't work out..I was disposable to her as well.
I should stop now, talking of all this is painful. I want so bad to be understood but feel like a total alien.