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07 Mar 2010, 10:01 am

After lurking in the forum for some weeks, I finally decided to register, despite of my really bad english.
If it is too bad, and you don´t even understand me, write a message, then I won´t write any longer.
I am fourteen, female and from Germany. Some months ago I read about Aspergers first, in the time before I did hardly know anything about Autism, apart of the typical picture of a retarted child rocking and not able to say anything.
Yeah, i know better now. The more I read, the more I thought: "Oh, now I eventually know what´s up with me."
I am reading and getting more information about it for about three months now, I am a bit obsessed with it, everything describes me so well.
So, in time my problem is telling my parents, because I really want to have certainty about me and Asperger Syndrome.
That was everything, just wanted to say hello.


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07 Mar 2010, 10:08 am

Hello and welcome to Wrong Planet! Your English is great.


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07 Mar 2010, 10:14 am

Welcome to WrongPlanet, Pointless, and yes, your English is just fine!

This is a great place to begin understanding ourselves, and I hope you greatly enjoy being here!

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07 Mar 2010, 10:30 am

Pointless wrote:
After lurking in the forum for some weeks, I finally decided to register, despite of my really bad english.
If it is too bad, and you don´t even understand me, write a message, then I won´t write any longer.
I am fourteen, female and from Germany. Some months ago I read about Aspergers first, in the time before I did hardly know anything about Autism, apart of the typical picture of a retarted child rocking and not able to say anything.
Yeah, i know better now. The more I read, the more I thought: "Oh, now I eventually know what´s up with me."
I am reading and getting more information about it for about three months now, I am a bit obsessed with it, everything describes me so well.
So, in time my problem is telling my parents, because I really want to have certainty about me and Asperger Syndrome.
That was everything, just wanted to say hello.

Agreed - your English is better than a lot of people I know here in America. I have an incredible, incredible amount of respect for people who mostly speak another language and then write in forums in English. And if you don't understand something we are saying, please ask!

Do you have any counselors at school or a trusted teacher who you might be able to talk with about this? They may be very experienced in speaking with parents about the issue and might even be willing to tell them for you or with you.


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07 Mar 2010, 10:30 am

Hey pointless, welcome to the community :)

Your english is much better than mine i must admit.
Enjoy your stay here.



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07 Mar 2010, 10:51 am

It's nice to meet you, Pointless - welcome to the Wrong Planet Community.

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07 Mar 2010, 11:12 am

Thank you very much, it´s nice to meet you, too.
About the english-thing, i really love english, it´s a beutiful language for me and i prefer english to german. I often talk in english with other people (from my country), especially in classes, without realising it, they are a bit scared sometimes. :lol:

There are no counsellors at my school, stuff like this is not very common in germany. We got a teacher to talk with, when we got problems, i don´t know the name for it, my dictionary says "liaison teacher". But I dislike him pretty much.

At the moment I´m thinking about talking to my sister. She´s an adult and we get on with each other pretty well. I am trying to convince myself to just send her a message on msn, but I think then she wanted to talk about it with me in real life, and I am really bad at this. I would surely lose the thread and talk BS. Whatever, I have to try one day if i won´t I will never know.


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07 Mar 2010, 11:18 am

Would it help if you sent her some youtube videos about it? Or sent her the link to female Asperger traits (assuming you meet them)? ... 83e339.JPG

I am not sure how the health care system works in Germany. With your parents, you also *could* try just asking to see a counselor in general, and tell the counselor your concerns, see if she agrees and ask her to discuss it with your parents. But try to see if you can find a therapist who knows something about Asperger's and women. I am not sure how recognized it is in Germany, but for example I am the first female Aspie that my current therapist has ever seen in her practice. It can be a little bit different in women than men.

I think you are very strong for pursuing this. I wish I had known about it at your age.


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07 Mar 2010, 12:04 pm

Oh, I´ve already seen this one, almost everything matches perfectly on me.
I could translate it and send it to her, that is a good idea, thanks.

The problem is that my parents found some kind of a farewell letter last year, i was really depressed and thought about killing myself, if I just told them, that I got some issue, they would treat me in another way, because of being afraid to say something wrong. Only thing that works for me, is that someone else tells them, that one had the suspicion of Aspergers. A teacher would be perfect, but i dont get along with my teachers very good, they thing I am lazy and stupid and wonder why my exams are the best almost always.

Thank you, it must be hard not to know it until one is mature, I actually think that it is hard for me, because I am so "old".
(Okay, I can´t figure out my point, language thing, mabe you understand what i mean with the last thing :wink: )

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07 Mar 2010, 12:08 pm

To WrongPlanet!! !Image

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08 Mar 2010, 12:27 pm

Hello Pointless, welcome, enjoy your stay on the Wrong Planet!

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08 Mar 2010, 8:13 pm

Welcome to WP!

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08 Mar 2010, 8:14 pm

Ahh a newbie1 Quick pwn it!

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08 Mar 2010, 11:34 pm

Welcome to WP!