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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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08 Apr 2010, 3:01 am

I have seen the stats with regards my little slice of the world. I have come in contact with aspie kiddies. But as an adult I have not met another aspie one that I know of. FTR I am diagnosed with AS. Though only formally as of late, but I have known since I was 15 that something was a rye with myself. But I think sometime around 3rd grade things changed now that I think about it, that i can only see in hindsight. For the most part I am a forthright person, I really like animals. I have had a strong passion for the sciences always have, you would not believe the home library I have. My area of expertise is differential geometry, yes gauss is my favorite mathl33t. I mean I am the kind of guy that took Quantum Mech. because I looked fun. I never finished my degree's, as I had a breakdown about 3 years ago. With stress and rigors of university studies and my well documented passed with both major depression and anxiety, as well as my then undiagnosed AS, it was all to much. I have not been back sense. To a fair amount of NT's I am so sort of super geek which could not be further from the truth. In fact I don't see my self as anything special.

I like History and reading about things people have done of time. I cant stand fiction any way shape or from. I like some kinds of art but only if I can successfully analyzes it. In fact I analyze just about everything. However in real-time life just moves to fast, so its almost always in retrospect. Most often I recall events where I was at the time going through the motions and by that I mean confused by the situation that I was in. I try like hell to figure out if I missed something, more so people gestures as I am darn near clueless about what they mean. I misinterpret so much, I feel like have have been cheated so many chances at a great many things.

I have been told by many in the past that I am rude, because I say what I think and from time to time what I feel. I am so bent on nothing but the facts about so many topics. I tend to speak with authority when I am in passioned about some topic. Which frankly is most of the time. When I am really pumped about something I can get very loud without noticing it. My loved ones often tell me to use my inside voice, which naturally I rebuff.

I am very bad at maintaining interpersonal relationships, when it comes to friends. I tend to have one friend at a time with similar interest to my own (for the time being). While I understand that life is not fair by any sense of the word. I think reciprocity is of paramount importance. I often keep a tally in my head of the current quid pro quo, which from what I understand is the best thing to do to a friend I cant seem to help it.

Of course once again only in hindsight, to some degree or another I have been taken advantage of in the past. I find my self not to be the best judge of character. I can be very "simple" sometimes in respect to people; as I like people whom are nice to me and seemingly kind.

Guess thats enough for now...

Once I was considered a rock star in the world of aspiring Mathematicians, now....

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08 Apr 2010, 3:16 am

Hiya UberSneakyPanda. Greetings from the East Coast.


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08 Apr 2010, 6:39 am

Welcome and all that Image

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08 Apr 2010, 6:46 am

Welcome to WrongPlanet, and welcome to my time warp. :)

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08 Apr 2010, 10:20 am

Pleased to meet you, UberSneakyPanda. Welcome aboard the Wrong Planet.

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08 Apr 2010, 3:20 pm

To WrongPlanet!! !Image

Life! Liberty!...and Perseveration!!.....
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08 Apr 2010, 3:38 pm

MONKEY wrote:
Welcome and all that Image

Hadn't tried this yet.

Let's see if this works... Image Image Image


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08 Apr 2010, 3:48 pm

Welcome, UberSneakyPanda :)



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09 Apr 2010, 1:25 pm

Welcome to WP!

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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09 Apr 2010, 6:30 pm

Thanks for the welcome

Once I was considered a rock star in the world of aspiring Mathematicians, now....


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09 Apr 2010, 10:19 pm

silicon valley rocks!

Pwning the threads with my mad 1337 skillz.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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10 Apr 2010, 12:01 am

Greetings UberSneakyPanda. I see You are quite the articulate one. Your also very self aware for a autistic. I too have great passion on certain topics that is often ill contained. People tell me to quiet down when ever I get very serious. It's had to quiet yourself If you couldn't tell you were being loud in the first place (Something you already know I'm sure) I think if you want us to better know you as a person you should tell us what it is your passionate about.

You seem to be well read as well. It's a shame you don't like fiction. I myself enjoy many classic literary novels. I know you probably don't want to give them another chance but if you did I think you would find classic literature to be of great insight into the lives of generations past.


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12 Apr 2010, 5:06 am

Hello UberSneakyPanda, welcome, enjoy your stay on the Wrong Planet!

1975, ASD: Asperger's Syndrome (diagnosed: October 22, 2009)

Interests: science, experimental psychology, psychophysics, music (listening and playing (guitar)) and visual arts

Don't focus on your weaknesses, focus on your strengths