my name is jamie and i 16, and i live in the uk. I am not diagnosed AS but i fit alot of the symptoms. I live in fostercare and i have a little brother and a little sister, neither of which diagnosed with anything.
My obsessions are: computer, and in particular PHP/MySQL (annoys me when people forget the little `y` err) website programming and webdesign. i alsoi mountain bike although i am currently saving for a new bike after selling my old one intending to replace quick.
I have read some of the artricle on the site and they seem really good, i have also hung around in the chat fr a little bit to.
I have a big snuggly freind called lion, and i also have a dummy / pacifier, which is a bit weird but i like it. it helps me sleep and make me feels safe.
I thinky thats about it, but i have propbopbly foggotern somthing.......