NikonRox wrote:
When my AS girl was little, she was very hard to handle...very high need, had major melt-downs, had no fear and was very energetic.
Any ADHD symptoms tied in there? Wahoo... my daughter is constantly fearless and getting hurt... impervious to pain sometimes, I think. She was crawling up in trees, very young and fearless... demanding the center of attention allllllll the time. She's very competitive too (at least at home with her siblings)... part of it, is the aspect of wanting reassurance she's loved, needed
and wanted -- belonging... I think she has some insecurity... she must be the center of the stage, or
she doesn't trust or believe in people. All the reassurance with mega, multiple kudos somehow, always seems to fall on deaf ears... I wish I could get it through to her, just how special she really is. My inability to verbalize that, doesn't help. Sometimes I try to think of things I can do (actions... no words necessary) to compliment the words... but she's still letting off the signals of needing something more...
NikonRox wrote:
Now I find that she is very serious and mostly low-key. I think the switch in activity level, and general attitude, happened around 3rd-4th grade.
It is good to meet you...Thanks again for the welcome!
Mine is in the 7th Grade now... but she's still pretty active.