larsenjw92286 wrote:
Welcome, Mayall!
I'm sure you will enjoy posting to this forum. If there's one thing I'd like you to remember about posting to this forum, it's that a number of us are on this forum throughout the day. If you need any of us, we will be here. It's nice to have you!
this really warms my heart and this is the only patethic post i´m ever gonna here it goes.
where i live, in my hometown..or do you say community? whatever. I been alone for all this time, and never,ever had any contact with other aspies. I been the oddball ond the outsider since childhood.
always felt so ...wrong, and that i don´t belong anywhere. The responses i got today as i said..really warms my heart. im så darn glad to finally speak to other persons who really gets what i´m saying. Wow! "normal" people don´t get a thing i say, and they just don´t care. And i don´t get along with them either, every time i try to interact, i get burned or just used by them.
Like: im only something to have if they need anything from me, but they are not at all interested in what i feel or wanna say. I almost gave up it all...this with friends and so..till i got here, you see, i realised that i should probally (spelling?) only have Aspie friends, so, as i said, thanxs a lot for your welcomes, and that marks the end of my patheticness (spelling?)
Myall is here to stay.
But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here..