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17 May 2010, 1:50 am

Hi! I'm new

...Since it said to say "Hi! I'm new," I did.

I'm an Aspie. I joined because although I don't feel a strong need to connect with others on the spectrum under normal circumstances, I do right now, because...

How to put this? Well, I'm a teenager. And I didn't exactly decide to stop living in my head-- I like it in my head-- but I did decide to stop living exclusively in my head and being scared to live in or speak up in the real world.

So that brings me to not trying to hide it anymore. I think my mom's mostly just glad I'm being affectionate now (I've even made a couple of pathetic attempts at small talk), so she doesn't seem to mind too greatly that I like to sniff her hair and stuff...

But being honest and investing myself in my relationship with the world (can't have a relationship where you keep secrets) means instead of just shutting up and listening and secretly thinking she's an idiot when she says something curebie-- oh, yes, she is a curebie, and what a curebie she is, buying into practically anything to the point that she responds to PETA's ad with "well, it's true"-- I tell her she's wrong. And I initiate conversations, ignoring the fact that as wonderful a woman as she is-- and she is brave and wise and loving and resilient-- she is simply incapable of communicating facts. She is an NT. She can communicate emotions wonderfully if you don't mind that practically nothing she says is literally true. Of course, I do mind. I have to correct her. (Luckily, since Jesus said you could do so, I don't need to correct people when they say faith can move mountains. It can. Alas, it cannot facilitate communication with my mother.)

So what all this tl;dr brings me to is, I can take it or I can come out of my shell. I can't do both. Unless maybe I have your help. All I ask is that you be Aspies or Auties, and that you not believe that being an NT is a prerequisite for being worth something. I may try to avoid the echochamber effect, but I can damn well invoke it, too! Tell me what I already believe, so I don't lose heart!


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17 May 2010, 2:17 am

Heh, 'sokay. I think I've sorta been there before, but it's harder with my mom, because however much I don't like what she's saying, she's usually right, or at least beyond my skill to argue otherwise. It wouldn't be a problem if she hadn't been so in control of my life. >.>; She still is somewhat. The part that's the most annoying is that she'll listen to reason, but I can't figure out the reasons to top hers a lot of the time. I just have to do some things, y'know?... I mean, I have reasons, but she has better reasons why not, and however much it matters to me is irrelevant.

To wind down though, no personality type is a prerequisite to a person's value. People are all pretty awesome IMO, even the ones I hate have merits worth looking at. >.>... I have to keep that in mind to stay sane sometimes. My type, according to the Golden/ORA test is INTA.... I think that's close to the one you're talking about, but they use Judging and Perceiving instead of Adapting and organiZing. I don't remember how they match up, but I remember that those tests got rid of J/P because it doesn't make as much sense.... I might show you if you're interested. W/e though.

I am

The strongest leaning is Adapting over organiZing. I'm not at home unless I'm in chaos, and I'm ADD as all hell. xP
The weakest is probably Introverted over Extraverted. I started seriously coming out of my shell in my senior year of high school, and made quite a few friends. ^^
I also have a Feeling subscore showing me more "compassionate" than "autonomous", according to the test I took, suggesting that I try to take other people's emotions into account a bit much, as I recall. Other than that, I'm a really rationally grounded individual. >.>

I don't wanna make this about me though.

It's very nice to meet you. I'm new here too, and I hope we both have a good time here. ^^;;

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17 May 2010, 2:37 am

Welcome to WP Image

3/3 children diagnosed Asperger/PDD-NOS(2009-2010)
Aspie+PTSD http://www.wrongplanet.net/postt125554.html don't/won't dwell on it
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17 May 2010, 2:47 am

So, I'm an ignorant buffoon. I jumped to random conclusions about personality profilers when you were talking about NT as neurotypical (I once read an old book that grouped the four-type people by pairs of types they had, like NT and stuff). I'm a moron. Kill me now. .__.; ... I feel I should take this as a clear sign I should go to sleep, since it's almost 3 AM around here. Especially since a seNsing+Thinking isn't all that unlikely for an Aspie. xD

In any case, the rest of what I said still has merit, if you'll read past the buffoonery. xP


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17 May 2010, 9:13 am

Welcome to Wrong Planet!! :D

I'm kind of in the same position: to come out of my shell, or not to come out of my shell, that is the question. :lol:

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17 May 2010, 10:49 am

Welcome greetings to the WP community, DandelionFireworks.

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17 May 2010, 11:13 am

Welcome dorothy. You aren't in Kansas anymore.


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17 May 2010, 1:05 pm

Welcome to WrongPlanet, and welcome to my time warp. :)

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17 May 2010, 1:16 pm

OMG I got a wave? Neat! :D

Freak, I know that book! Can't remember the title. It used the Kiersey (SP?) test, and NTs were supposed to be very logical and incapable of fun, SPs were supposed to be driven to self-actualization and enjoy doing whatever at the moment for its own sake, and could become great but not intentionally-- just out of repeated practice. Whereas an NT practiced for the sole purpose of getting good. I remember slamming the book down at some point (probably after it called me incapable of having fun, because I can be really giggly and happy sometimes, just so long as none of the stimuli really exist :wink: ), but only after I'd found one piece of useful information.

Do SOMETHING for its own sake. Because if you don't, then there's no point to anything you do. And even if it's just a step on the way to something else, stop and smell the roses.

...Naturally, I can't seem to follow my own advice most of the time.

Music, it doesn't have to be all or nothing. Step out a little, see if you think the risks are greater than or equal to the rewards, and if not, then keep going. Just don't shut the door behind you.

Jet, thanks. Glad to be here. :D

DarthMetaKnight, I believe you're correct; this does not appear to be Kansas. And the reference even makes sense! This really is a bizarre alternate universe! Whatever you do, DON'T PINCH ME. I don't want to wake up.

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17 May 2010, 5:01 pm

To WrongPlanet!! !Image

Life! Liberty!...and Perseveration!!.....
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18 May 2010, 6:59 am

Hello DandelionFireworks, welcome, enjoy your stay on the Wrong Planet!

1975, ASD: Asperger's Syndrome (diagnosed: October 22, 2009)

Interests: science, experimental psychology, psychophysics, music (listening and playing (guitar)) and visual arts

Don't focus on your weaknesses, focus on your strengths