So... I'm not diagnosed, but I'm pretty sure I'm an Aspie. I've never gotten along very well with normal people; I think their trends and expectations are stupid and I'm never sure what to say to them in conversation. All my best friends since middle school have had either Asperger's or HFA; they're the only people who feel like real people to me. Eye contact is like staring at the sun, and I'm extremely sensitive to touch. I have weird voice fluctuations; I was raised in Texas, but people always tell me I sound like I'm from a foreign country. I figured out the Thue-Morse sequence on my own in fourth grade and have been stimming to it ever since (left-right-right-left-right-left-left-right-right-left-left-right-left-right-right-left, etc.).
When I was young I went through two-week fads of absolute obsession with a subject or video game or other pursuit. In high school I decided I ought to pick a focus and stick with it, so since then I've only really cared about writing novels and collecting interesting skills (Judo, Japanese, etc.). My parents have tried unsuccessfully to convince me to use my math skills toward a major in something that actually yields money. Instead, I'm majoring in English and spending my spare time staring at the ceiling.
Generally, I have trouble getting things done unless I understand the exact process. Instructions often confuse me because they don't specify things that I guess are supposed to be obvious. I'm the same way reading people's intentions sometimes. A lot of times people will get impatient with me and I'll just guess.
I have a similar problem when I'm driving. I miss turns a lot and I have to drive a few blocks or miles before I can find a good place to turn around and return to the point of deviation. I can't simply improvise on the go.
And, of course, I have to systemize everything around me. Situations don't feel comfortable unless I can fit them into an equation. It goes without saying that I have little success with the ladies.
And... that's it. That's me. Nice to meet all of you.