Hello all, I'm 31 yo male and I've just discovered this condition exists. I have a lot of questions and concerns about dealing with it.
Let me start by saying that reading through this forum has been very comforting for me and the last two weeks for me have started the healing process which I'm sure will continue for quite a while.
I have not yet told anyone that I believe I have autism, I don't know who I can trust that my emotions will be met with sincerity. To tell you the truth, I'm terrified anyone I tell will laugh uncontrollably at me, after all I think that society finds this condition to be a source of humour. For example, Peter Griffin could be argued to have AS, and look at what he means to people....despised, laughable, ridiculous etc.
I immediatetly was overwhelmed when I thought of all the people in my life that have been there for me despite the lack of emotional reciprocity, inattentiveness, disrespect, and general irritating behavior. My parents, whom I'm sure I've caused untold suffering yet still stand by me and wish the best for me.
I have had several careers ruined now by poor interpersonal relationships, I can't seem to get it right and now I may be taking on more than I can handle, taking a job where I will be responsible for marketing and client interaction. What's worse is that my dad's colleagues will be my boss's, and I don't know if I should tell him. My parents will be embarrased for not having known and them knowing won't even help me be successful.
There is a dark side of humanity that I have seen, I think that I project suffering in my face when I zone and it comes back at you 10 fold. There are people who like to see others in pain. Anything that is seen as effective in reducing suffering, is desired and competed over. Getting or taking what it is you want you have to be ready to defend your interests. What's more, there are people that will not let you enjoy what it is you love without trying to take it away from you, no matter what it is.
I have been thinking about visiting a psycologist, does anyone find therapy helpful? What type of issues can I expect to address?
Thank you for your responses