Hi peoples!
I am a 20's female who just recently realized I'm probably an Aspie.
I am a super introvert; I don't say much of anything unless I'm really interested in the topic. I can loosen up with certain groups of people, but it takes months.
Beeping or loud noises in general really bother me. Also, if there's more than one conversation going, I find it extremely hard to concentrate on what I need to know.
I guess I was 10-12 years old before someone pointed out to me that I should look people in the eye when talking to them. I have worked on this, but it still makes me very uncomfortable.
I have studied classical ballet for almost 20 years. Since I started so young, I think it really helped me with my coordination. One of the things that made me take ballet out of the running as a career was that I just can't pick up choreography as quickly as others. I get overwhelmed trying to learn parts in rehearsal, with all kinds of things going on. It helps if I have video of the piece and can learn at my own pace.
I have extreme difficulties riding a bike, catching/throwing a ball, playing tennis, etc.
I am a NIGHTMARE with directions. There are places I've been a gazillion times, but I still can't remember which way to turn sometimes. It's ridiculous, especially since I've lived in the same city my entire life. Going new places makes me extremely stressed out (Thank the Lord for GPS).
I'm a computer programmer right now, but it's really not my thing; I turned out to just not be very interested, and it stresses me out knowing that every day there might be a new problem to solve. I think I would be much more suited to/happy with something repetitive where there are no surprises, and I felt more confident about what I was doing.
I'm sure there's more, those were just the things that immediately came to mind. Does any of this sound familiar to those of you who have been officially diagnosed? Feel free to ask me questions!