I just recently signed up to this site, and in fact just recently knew of its existence. I figured its probably proper procedure to post a brief introduction. To begin with, I am "undiagnosed AS", of which I have been aware of for a few years (although ironically not during my undergraduate psychology degree, AS never even came up during my classes lol). For basically my whole life, I have had this sort of surreal detachment from reality, and a complete lack of understanding of most everyone, and coming to this forum even for a few days has been an enjoyable experience to say the least.
I am currently a self-employed lawyer in Austin, Texas (as working at a firm seemed impossible for me for obvious reasons). I have an undergraduate degree in psychology, and graduated from UT school of law here in Austin. At my graduation ceremony, people remarked that they thought I had dropped out first year as I hadn't attended class since about halfway through my 1st year, much the same as my undergraduate experience.
I am also married, and have been for about 9 months, although we had been living together for many years previously. Apparently, from reading this forum, that is rather atypical, but I can assure you that I am in fact AS, as I have virtually every diagnostic criteria, and most of my "success" (coasting through school while managing to isolate myself as much as possible, as well as being married) comes from a pure rote memorization of proper social behaviors, coupled with a feeling of obligation towards society as a whole to do something with myself other than be a hermit (which, honestly, would be what I would spend the rest of my life doing if I were being completely "selfish").
Anyway, this is probably too long as it is, but I figured why not post it. I don't know how "active" on the forums I will be, it probably depends how busy I am, but reading things from people that I understand, is a great thing.