I'm scared to post here
Hello, My name is Trevor & I'm 27 years old Male from Alberta, Canada. I assume not much Canadians on here? plz pm me if your in alberta
I never really had any friends or a girlfriend I got autism, Speech & language & learning disability. (about grade 1 level) So i can't write/spell/ do math, or do any school work. in grade 9, i was still doing Grade 1 level work, Even then i had help.. IQ was in the 60's
3 years old talk better than me like my niece I got very little to no communication skills. Most of the time, i can only say 2 word sentences, though out the whole day. anything after that is tough, Even then, its hard to understand my speech. I get depressed lots because i got no girlfriend, I live with my mom. if anything happened to my mom, I'm afraid i could kill my self.
The only thing i been happy with is my Video games, I'm an expert gamer & i own 80 Xbox 360 games
Now I'm scared to read any replies Now to hit submit...... Submit.. guess i gotta..
Ps, if anyone wants to merry me, I got more than enough to pay for the wedding