Hello. I am a 26 y/o female. I have since childhood dealt with mental health issues, I was diagnosed with LD in math, english and reading and had been on an IEP and worked with a case manager since i started school, up untill I graduated. However, I never understood why, because my parents did not talk to me about what was going on, nor did they ever share anything with me, it wasn't untill I was 17 and was offered my school records that I was even aware that I was diagnosed with learning disabilities or the stack of other notes about me and behavioral problems, also not even knowing what the hell an IEP was. I just always knew I had a harder time in school then most kids, and got extra help for it. When I was about 13 I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and put on prozac, which my father detested. I ended up having to hide it from him for years that I was taking the anti depressant.
I have always been very independant and felt older then my age group. I have always felt like i think differently then everyone else. I truely believe I am a good person and nice. But i get irritated and angry easily. I end up biting my lips, or digging my nails into my nail beds, or gums to ease the anxious kind of.. tension I'd guess? Sometimes noises or certain pitches bother me so much I want to cry or scream. for instance my daughter crys in one certain pitch that makes me go bananas, and I cant help but go in another room close the door and plug my ears and pace untill she stops. And when I go for runs, if people on motor cycles ride by and rev their engines I get so pissed off cause it makes my blood hurt. ugh. I also notice too that when my boyfriend kisses me lightly on the head it does the same thing, and I end up making him feel bad, cause I get so irritated. I even tell him its not that he does it, its just how light he does it, so he'll jokingly kiss me harder on the head, but its true it doesn't bother me as much. I am so tired or hurting people I care about because I am so irritable about stupid things.
My other problems is I get so into things, mainly arts and craft related for a few months and I could do really cool things with them. Like for instance I make these brooches, and everyone says they like them and I could sell them on etsy, and I spend a month or two straight making them every night, so pumped and into it. and now I cant even stand the thought of doing it. Now I am obsessed with vitamins and minerals and want to spend every night looking up info on that. I could be making extra money utilizing my talents, and instead I am so often uninterested in things that I was interested in and it is very depressing in itself. I feel like I am unmotivated, but I know its just possibley part of maybe who I am.
This is just a tid bit of info about me, that maybe would give you some insight into my life. I have not been to a therapist since my pregnancy, because I did not like her. She just kept telling me to breath all the time. I know how to breath, I want to know wtf is wrong with me, why cant I be the person I feel like I should be?
does any of this make sense to anyone?
Does anyone feel like they are trapped in a body sometimes?
Maybe I feel this way because I feel maybe I have been (in a large part) misdiagnosed my whole life, not because of drs but because of my parents and their neglect to get me proper whatever back then. My brother I suspect may be in a similar situation and it breaks my heart. I feel like a tree stuck rooted in the ground watching the world happen around me and I am just stuck.
I am going to try to find a good psychologist to help me get a diagnosis, proper, if not for this for whatever. but I feel that Aspergers fits my personality almost to a T.
thanks for reading