artophrenic wrote:
Hi, Viki.
I'm psychologically ambiguous. Trying to get a diagnosis nailed down, see my info for explanation. I'm new here, but not to neuro-chemical imbalance (I'm 48). Art and writing are the only real ways I have of communicating effectively. I am tongue-tied in public most of the time. When I do speak in group situations, I can carry through for upto 6 or so hours. BUT then it hits. I lose control over my words; I can't fit them together effectively and end up isolating. My emotions start going haywire too. And then the depression hits. *sigh*
I'm going to go on my third regimen of medication soon - have to flush the current round out still.
I doodle a lot and always have. My high-school art teacher got me to take art classes in lieu of study hall (yay!). One thing he taught me was that talent will get you in, but you have to back it up with technique and discipline, and the right medium/media.
Funny but the most success I have socially is during games. Card games, board games, word games especially - Scrabble is one of my all time favs. Many games are like sonnets. They have a strict structure and rules, BUT those strictures force you to think creatively to succeed.
Going on and on... Hang in there, and feel free to talk if you need to. We know what you go through, in our own ways.
*smiles* Don't worry man, I understand your situation.
I'm currently on meds for my depression, the crushing lows are pretty bad haha ^_^;;
Over the years, I've found that when I get excited over being with someone, I've developed a bad stutter. It only happens when I'm happy and haven't seen anyone in a while. It often gets so bad words don't even come out, just a series of mumbled clicks.
I used to get complained at by my art teachers for drawing on lined paper in pen haha they were not too impressed ^_^;;
But I love art, I like seeing an image appear from a blank page. I do write alot, but I have this terrible habit of writing 4 really good chapters then losing interest and never finishing it. Some nights I write the starts for at least 5 good stories, and never ever get around to finishing them, despite how engrossed I was with them when I started.
I'm generally more of a wordsearch kind of girl when it comes to word puzzles. Writing, drawing, origami, anything to keep my hands busy I guess ^_^;; But yeah, thanks for the hello, and I'd like to chat =] Talking to people is always nice ^_^
Sure beats spending all day on your own in your room